Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pláticas con el Balón/Chats with the Ball

Pláticas con el balón
En México la queja general es por la falta de figuras en la delantera que sepan cómo resolver lo problemas en competencias internacionales. En pocas palabras, hace falta el elemento al cual no le tiemblen las piernas o su cerebro no se llene de dudas al momento de definir frente a la portería rival.
Colegas de distintos medios de comunación en México se preguntan ¿cuáles son los méritos para que Jonathan Dos Santos (hermano menor de Giovanni del Tottenham inglés) para que sea llamado a la Selección Nacional?
Señores, por favor, el chico juega en la Segunda División española con el Barcelona, club del cual surgió su hermano mayor, una joya que se busca recuperar luego de que después de ganar el Mundial Sub 17 en el 2005 pareció perder piso.
Dicen los que lo conocen que es mejor jugador que "Gio", habrá que verlo, pero no hay que rasgarse las vestiduras, la convocatoria es para un juego no oficial este miércoles frente a Colombia.
El técnico Javier Aguirre querrá observarlo, conocerlo, ver cómo se desenvuelve en el grupo y después en lo futbolístico.
Es un jovencito del cual parece que las selecciones españolas menores le echaron el ojo; luego después puede ser que lloremos "¿porqué diablos no se le convocó a Jonathan, por lo menos a una cascarita?, ¿dónde quedó la capacidad de gestión de la Femexfut?, etc."Es cierto, Jonathan no ha ganado nada, pero será especial poder verlo para ver de qué está hecho, total se critica la gran cantidad de juegos de México en Estados Unidos contra selecciones "B", esta ocasión será un buen pretexto.

Chats with the ball

In Mexico, the general complaint is the lack of figures on the front that they know how to solve the problems in international competition.

In short, you need the item which will not shake your legs or your brain is full of questions when deciding against the goals.

Colleagues from different media in Mexico wonder what are the merits for Jonathan Dos Santos (younger brother of England's Premier's Tottenham Giovanni) to be called to the National Team? Gentlemen, please, the boy plays in the Spanish second division with FC Barcelona club of which came his brother, a jewel sought to be recovered after having won the World under-17 in 2005 seemed to lose ground.

They say, those who know him, that he is best player than "Gio", remains to be seen, but do not rend their garments, the call is for an unofficial game Wednesday against Colombia.

Coach Javier Aguirre will want to observe, understand, see how it unfolds in the group and then in football.

It's a young which seems that the Spanish teams threw under the eye, then then you might cry "why the hell not, she was summoned to Jonathan, at least to a peel?, Where's the ability to manage Femexfut?, etc. ".

True fact, Jonathan has gained nothing, but will be special to see it to see what is done, all criticized the large number of games of Mexico versus "B teams" in the US, this occasion will be a good excuse.

Mexico vs. Colombia en Dallas

La Selección Mexicana de fútbol disputará ante Colombia, el próximo miércoles 30 de septiembre, el último partido amistoso de preparación previo a las dos últimas jornadas de la fase final de las eliminatorias mundialistas a Sudáfrica 2010. Tras las cuales, se confirmará que México estará presente por quinta vez consecutiva en una Copa del Mundo.

El conjunto tricolor llega nuevamente a tierras estadounidenses a celebrar un partido amistoso, después de haber jugado frente a Venezuela y Guatemala, encuentros que les sirvieron como preparación, previo a la Copa Oro, de la cual resultaron campeones.

Cabe destacar que el marco del partido será septiembre, mes que celebra la “Herencia Hispana” en los Estados Unidos; así como también será jornada doble con el duelo de FC Dallas y New England Revolution de la MLS que se jugará horas antes del México vs. Colombia.

El combinado nacional, que llega en la segunda posición del hexagonal final de la CONCACAF con 15 puntos, deberá sacar el máximo provecho a este partido de preparación que le servirá para tener mayor seguridad y confianza en el tramo final de las eliminatorias mundialistas.

Será un duelo en donde, más que salir únicamente a cumplir con el compromiso, Javier Aguirre busca definir esquemas con los mejores jugadores disponibles para darlo todo en esas dos jornadas que hasta el momento los separan de Sudáfrica; la primera frente a El Salvador el próximo 10 de octubre en el Estadio Azteca y cierran como visitante contra Trinidad y Tobago el 14 del mismo mes; sin embargo, es importante recordar que ante Colombia al no ser fecha FIFA, no se podrá contar con los jugadores que militan en el extranjero.


El segundo puesto del hexagonal final de las eliminatorias mundialistas rumbo a Sudáfrica 2010, vive una situación muy distinta a la que atravesaba hace un par de meses; incluso ha mejorado su posición en la clasificación de la FIFA al llegar al lugar 24, subiendo seis peldaños en comparación del mes pasado.

El hecho de haber obtenido la Copa Oro el pasado mes de julio inspiró al conjunto tricolor, ya que los enfrentamientos disputados en dicho torneo, les sirvieron como preparación para los partidos de eliminatoria que han disputado hasta la fecha y en los que han logrado sumar puntos y subir de posición; México llega a este duelo amistoso con 12 partidos invictos.

El enfrentamiento contra Colombia representa una oportunidad más para que los aztecas tengan un preámbulo antes de jugarse todo y finalmente poder conseguir su boleto a la próxima Copa del Mundo.

México recibirá diez días después de este partido a la Selección de El Salvador en el Estadio Azteca y cerrará la fase de eliminatorias mundialistas el 14 de octubre visitando a Trinidad y Tobago.


El conjunto cafetero se encuentra en una situación bastante compleja en referencia a las eliminatorias mundialistas de su sector: CONMEBOL.

Es el octavo lugar detrás de Brasil, Paraguay, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay y Venezuela. Sin embargo, todavía tiene esperanzas de poder clasificarse al mundial.

Colombia se enfrentó el pasado 9 de septiembre contra Uruguay en Montevideo, en donde a pesar de no haber jugado mal, no ganó, al contrario, fue derrotado 3-1.

Enfrentarse a México el próximo 30 de septiembre, representa para la selección de Eduardo Lara una gran oportunidad para medirse y prepararse antes de disputar los dos partidos que les faltan y de los cuales forzosamente tienen que sacar la victoria y esperar una serie de combinaciones a su favor que les ayuden a conseguir su boleto rumbo a Sudáfrica 2010.

El primer duelo que deberán ganar es ante Chile en condición de local el próximo 10 de octubre, deberán hacer todo por sumar esos tres puntos. De igual forma deberán hacerlo cuatro días después visitando a Paraguay, en Asunción.

Ganar estos dos partidos no significa nada seguro para los de Colombia, es decir, aun llevándose los seis puntos posibles, tendrían que esperar lo que otras selecciones hagan para poder celebrar su pase al mundial.

Eduardo Lara está al frente de la Selección Colombiana desde noviembre del 2008, en primera instancia fue nombrado técnico interino; sin embargo, debido a los buenos resultados fue ratificado como entrenador de la selección mayor.

Histórico México vs. Colombia

La historia dice que la Selección mexicana de fútbol y la colombiana, se han enfrentado en 25 ocasiones desde 1938 a la fecha. De esos 25 enfrentamientos, 11 han sido triunfos mexicanos, cinco colombianos y nueve empates.

No fue sino hasta principios de la década de los 90 que Colombia empezó a darle batalla a México, antes de esto, la supremacía mexicana era indudable, fuera de un empate en 1962, los otros ocho partidos disputados antes de 1990, fueron victorias para los tricolores. Sin embargo, en los últimos siete enfrentamientos, Colombia ha ganado cuatro, México uno y dos han sido empates.

El Escenario: Estadio Cotton Bowl de Dallas

Ubicado en Dallas, Texas, este es uno de los estadios que fue sede en el Mundial de Fútbol de 1994 y fue inaugurado en 1932 con una capacidad para 68,252 personas.

Algunos de los países que disputaron algún partido dentro de este estadio en el mundial de USA 1994, fueron: España, Alemania, Bulgaria, Argentina, Suecia, Holanda y Brasil. Los jugadores más representativos que anotaron dentro de esta cancha en la Copa del mundo del 94 fueron: los brasileños Bebeto y Romario, el búlgaro Stoitchkov, el alemán Klinsmann y el holandés Dennis Bergkamp.

Originalmente era llamado Fair Park Satdium, ya que se ubica precisamente en esa zona de Texas, en Fair Park. Aquí es donde se lleva a cabo el tradicional Tazón del Algodón del fútbol colegial, Tazón por el cual se le llama Cotton Bowl Stadium (Estadio del Tazón del Algodón).

Además de realizarse eventos deportivos dentro de este recinto, también se han llevado a cabo espectáculos de diversos géneros. Entre los personajes que han actuado dentro de este escenario se encuentran: Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, Eric Clapton y U2.

Convocatoria de México


Francisco Guillermo Ochoa Magaña

José de Jesús Corona Rodríguez
Cruz Azul

Paúl Nicolás Aguilar Rojas

José Antonio Castro González

Hugo Ayala Castro

José Jonny Magallón Oliva

Edgar Esteban Dueñas Peñaflor

Oscar Adrián Rojas Castillon

Patricio Gabriel Araujo Vázquez

Gerardo Torrado Diez de Bonilla
Cruz Azul

Jonathan Dos Santos Ramírez

Braulio Luna Guzmán
San Luis

Edgar Iván Pacheco Rodríguez

Néstor Calderón Enríquez

Juan Carlos Cacho Gutiérrez

Javier Hernández Balcazar

Omar Arellano Riverón

Enrique Alejandro Esqueda Tirado

DT. Javier Aguirre

Convocatoria de Colombia


Agustin Julio
Santa Fe

Luis A. Estacio
Atletico Huila

Alexis Henriquez
Once Caldas

Humberto Mendoza
Atl. Nacional

Andres Gonzalez
Santa Fe

Luis Nuñez
Once Caldas

Yulian Anchico
Santa Fe

Jhon Viafara
Once Caldas

Jherson Cordoba
Equidad F. C.

Dorlan Pabon
Envigado F. C.

Christian Marrugo
Dep. Tolima

Juan Carlos Escobar
Cucuta Deportivo

Giovanni Hernandez
Atletico Junior

Giovanni Moreno
Atletico Nacional

Vladimir Marin

Jackson Martinez
Ind. Medellin

Teofilo Gutierrez
Atl. Junior

Darwin Quintero

DT. Eduardo Lara

The Mexican National Football Championship against Colombia, on Wednesday 30 September, the last friendly match of preparation prior to the last two days of the final phase of World Cup qualifiers for South Africa 2010.

After which, it was confirmed that Mexico will participate for a fifth consecutive World Cup. The set reaches back to land tricolor Americans to hold a friendly match, having played against Venezuela and Guatemala, meetings that served as preparation prior to the Gold Cup, which were champions.

Notably, the game will be part of September, a month devoted to the "Hispanic Heritage" in the United States and will also double day duel with FC Dallas and New England Revolution in MLS to be played hours before Mexico vs. Colombia.

The national team, coming in second place in the final hexagonal of CONCACAF with 15 points, will get the most out of this game will prepare you for greater security and confidence in the final leg of World Cup qualifying. It will be a duel in which, rather than leave only to fulfill the commitment, Javier Aguirre seeks to define patterns with the best players available to give everything in those two days so far separate them from South Africa, the first against El Salvador next Oct. 10 at the Azteca Stadium and shut away against Trinidad and Tobago on 14 of the same month, however, it is important to remember that unless Colombia to date FIFA, you can not have players who are fighting abroad. Mexico The second place in the hexagonal final World Cup qualifier towards South Africa 2010, lives a very different situation that crossed a couple of months ago and even improved its position in FIFA ranking to reach 24th place, up six steps compared last month.

The fact that we won the Gold Cup last July tricolor inspired the whole, as the fighting played in the tournament, they served as preparation for qualifying matches they have played so far and where they have been scoring points and gain position, Mexico comes to this friendly duel with 12 games unbeaten. The battle against Colombia represents an opportunity for the Aztecs have played a preamble before everything and finally able to get your ticket to the next World Cup. Mexico will receive ten days after this match to the selection of El Salvador at the Estadio Azteca and close the phase of World Cup qualifiers on October 14, visiting Trinidad and Tobago. Colombia The coffee set is in a rather complex situation in reference to a World Cup qualifier in its sector: CONMEBOL. It is the eighth place behind Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela. However, it still has hopes of qualifying to the world. Colombia faced on 9 September against Uruguay in Montevideo, where despite not having played poorly, did not win, in contrast, was defeated 3-1.

Dealing with Mexico on 30 September, represents for the selection of Eduardo Lara a great opportunity to measure and prepare before playing in the two games that are missing and which necessarily have to take the win and expect a number of combinations to the Please help them get a ticket bound for South Africa 2010. The first duel to win is to be provided locally in Chile on 10 October, must do everything by adding these three points. Likewise must do so four days after visiting Paraguay, Asuncion. Winning these two games means nothing safe for Colombia, that is, even taking the six points available, would have to wait what other teams do to celebrate his move to the world. Eduardo Lara is leading the Colombian national team since November 2008, at first instance was named interim coach, but because of good results was confirmed as coach of the senior team. Historic Mexico vs.. Colombia The story says that the Mexican and Colombian football, have met on 25 occasions since 1938 to date. Of those 25 conflicts, 11 were Mexican victories, five Colombians and nine draws. It was not until the early 90s that Colombia began to give battle to Mexico before that, the Mexican supremacy was unquestionable, out of a tie in 1962, the other eight games played before 1990, were victories for the tricolor. However, in the last seven clashes, Colombia has won four, Mexico one and two have been draws.

The Setting: Dallas' Cotton Bowl Stadium

Located in Dallas, Texas, this is one of the stadiums that hosted the World Cup in 1994 and was inaugurated in 1932 with a capacity of 68.252 people. Some of the countries that played a game in this stadium in the World Cup USA 1994, were Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Argentina, Sweden, Holland and Brazil. The most representative players who scored in this field in 94 World Cup were: the Brazilian Bebeto and Romario, Stoichkov Bulgarian, German Klinsmann and Dutchman Dennis Bergkamp. Originally it was called Fair Park Satdium, since it is located precisely in this area of Texas in Fair Park.

This is where they performed the traditional Cotton Bowl college football, Bowl for which it is called Cotton Bowl (Cotton Bowl Stadium). In addition to sporting events take place within these walls, have also conducted shows of various genres. Among the characters who have acted in this scenario are in: Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, Eric Clapton and U2.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Toluca will play against Marathon in Honduras with guarantees

Mexico's Toluca reported that it will travel to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to play the game Thursday against Marathon in the group stage of Champions League CONCACAF.

"Definitely we travel to Honduras next Wednesday, we played on Thursday before the Marathon on Friday and returned to Mexico," said President of Toluca, Fernando Corona.

He explained that "during the course of the day was not given any guarantee to the team, but in the afternoon reached the office of Secretary of State for Security in Honduras, as well as in CONCACAF, where security show us during our stay in that country.

Corona stated that he received any assurance that "the Deportivo Toluca have all the necessary security so we can only accept".

In a statement, the Mexican club stipulates that "Saul Bueso Mazariegos, Undersecretary of State for Security in Honduras, according to Chuck Blazer, CONCACAF General Secretary, ensured all facilities for conducting and normal development of different upcoming football matches which take place in the Central American country, including the match on Thursday between the Marathon and Deportivo Toluca ".

He concludes that "the Government of the Republic of Honduras, through the Secretary of State, ensure the completion and all relevant safety measures, to be carried out without any problems the game between Marathon and the Red Devils in Champions League .

The game schedule on Wednesday September 30 at the CCL, includes:

DC United vs. Jaboleth

UNAM vs. W Connection FC

Houston Dynamo vs. Pachuca

Real España vs. Communications

Crew stunned late in CCL clash with Saprissa

Alexander Robinson scored off a free kick in second-half stoppage time as Deportivo Saprissa stunned the Crew with a 1-1 tie in a CONCACAF Champions League match on Wednesday at Crew Stadium.
Walter Centeno bent the restart from 35 yards toward the far post where Robinson pushed Crew midfielder Adam Moffat to the ground for the open header that went through the legs of goalkeeper William Hesmer.
Robbie Rogers converted a first-half penalty and the Crew were about a minute away from clinching second in Group C and a berth in the quarterfinals in March.
Columbus (2-1-1, 7 points) is two points up on Saprissa (1-2-2) with one match left. The Crew needs a tie at Puerto Rico on Oct. 20 in the final match to claim second even if Saprissa beats group leader Cruz Azul at home because the Crew beat Saprissa earlier to hold the tiebreaker.
Rogers' penalty came in the 27th minute off a clean strike to the lower left while goalkeeper Keilor Navas went the other way.
It wasn't supposed to be Rogers over the ball but Schelotto was unavailable at the time after being rudely fouled three minutes earlier by Walter Centeno with a studs-up challenge with the right boot that bloodied Schelotto's right leg. Centeno was issued a yellow card for the offense.
Schelotto went to the sideline to get the injury addressed and was not allowed back on the field until after the goal. He is 8-for-8 on penalties in his MLS career, but Rogers calmly stepped in and hit the ball with authority.

Cruz Azul took the first place in his group in Concacaf Champions League

Cruz Azul established himself as leader of Group C Champions League CONCACAF to win 2-0 against Puerto Rico Islanders and has yet to close a meeting for the group stage, but already qualified for the quarterfinals.

In the match at Azul stadium with a limp and with little input arrivals to the goals, goals from Mario Ortiz in the fifth minute of play and Argentina's Emanuel Villa, 51, rounded off the victory of heaven.

The win allows the Mexican joint stay on top of the sector to arrive at 13 points, six of the Columbus Crew and four Saprissa of Costa Rica, which has a game in hand, while Islanders, already eliminated, is last-place with two points .

Without work hard and give a great party without the machine Celeste managed to get ahead in the scoring after five minutes of action through Mario Ortiz, who pass from Alejandro Vela with a low shot beat goalkeeper Justin Myers for the 1-0 .

The Puerto Rican group had some sparks in the boot of the party and the most troubled goalkeeper Yosgart cruzazulino Gutierrez was the distant shot of Joshua Hansen in the very beginning of the meeting that passed near the right post.

With the touchdown run by Enrique Meza's turned to touch the ball and looking for places where the weak do more harm rival but had difficulty opening a gap that allowed it and so took him to the end of the first half.

For the second part of the meeting continued with his pitch irrelevant whenever those led by Enrique Meza had already achieved qualification for the next round in advance, while the visitors were eliminated, as was the mere collation and process.

However, even if they sought to haunt the home side found it 2-0 at minute 51, after which the newly left Jaime Lozano entered service sent to the area where Emanuel Villa with the seal of the angle the ball home accurate shot in the head.

With the match already defined and without nothing to risk, both teams seemed to settle, leading to boredom to the few fans who gathered at the stadium to witness this matching Blue inconsequential.

The work of Canadian whistling Paul Ward took it without any trouble and admonished by Cruz Azul Emilio Hernandez Alejandro Vela and Gabino Velasco, whereas Islanders did the same with Joshua Hansen and Daniel Gargan.

Americans dream, Cameroon crash

USA fired their way back into contention for a place in the last 16 at Egypt 2009 with a spirited 4-1 win over Cameroon in Suez. Goals either side of half-time from Bryan Arguez and Tony Taylor set the Americans on the road to a victory that was secured by a goal of the tournament contender from Dilly Duka and a late Brian Ownby breakaway.
This was a game that only came to life in the second half after an opening period that offered plenty of commitment but few chances and precious little quality. Taylor missed arguably the best of those rare opportunities on 33 minutes, volleying over from 12 yards after the ball had dropped loose inside the area. Yet, in first half stoppage time, the little forward more than made amends, unselfishly teeing up Arguez, who stabbed the ball into the roof of the net from close range.

That gave the US a vital half-time lead and it was an advantage they doubled within three minutes of the re-start. This time Taylor was the man to profit from some selfless set-up play, tapping home from all of five yards after Duka had raced through, drawn the keeper and slipped the ball across.

USA were visibly growing in confidence at this stage and Brek Shea could have made the points safe on the hour-mark with a 20-yard drive that was kept out by some alert goalkeeping from Francois Beyekol. However, the Cameroon keeper was left helpless eight minutes later when the Americans moved out of sight with a goal of genuine quality.

Like everyone in the stadium, Beyekol was preparing for a cross when Duka looked up from the left touchline, but instead the US No10 ignored his team-mates to weight a brilliantly executed chip just inside the far post.

The Stars and Stripes were home and dry, but it wasn't all plain sailing in the 23 minutes remaining. Taylor was stretchered off and, with 15 minutes remaining, Banana Yaya slotted home a penalty to spark a nervy finale.

However, the writing was already on the wall by the time Ownby raced clear to fire home a fourth US goal in injury time, angling a low drive beyond Beyekol's outstretched grasp. The result keeps Germany top of Group C and leaves all four sides in with a chance of claiming a top two spot ahead of the final round of matches.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Eugui is not longer Indios Head coach in Mexican soccer league


Ramon Morales, Indios Press department

"There are great men who make everyone else feel small. But true greatness is to make everyone feel great, "the famous British writer Charles Dickens.

So, like a large everyone felt great, was fired Hector Hugo Eugui. The former chief of the tribe held a pleasant chat with the representatives of the media who showed him their respect. Known hotel in the north of the city, expressed his feeling Eugui Simoncelli, hours have been separated, by mutual agreement, from his position as Aboriginal helmsman. "We live a wonderful time, extremely happy with the fans, the players, with the directive, with the whole institution ... Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Chihuahua, and many people away from here, we also enjoyed," said . Eugui Simoncelli said with mixed feelings. Chiaroscuro of life and football. "I always stay with the good, with the positive, with good things, which I think were much better than the adverse things that have been happening: the rescued us and be in the First Division, have earned the qualification and almost reach a final. They are healthy things that make me feel good. "Sad, because it is part of an illusion and a dream, when you want the projects to continue, but I also understand what football means and what it means to win a stage of a career like this is football in Mexico," said. SUCCESS IN THE CLOSURE Acknowledged the assistance of past tournament by its former president, Francisco Ibarra Molina determinant for Indians came to the brink of title dispute. "Here are details very important to have gotten it, I remember perfectly that the engineer Francisco Ibarra, entered the locker room (after the 4-1 loss, against San Luis in the Jornada 11 del Clausura 2009), after I had spoken with the campus, and then I said, 'Stay quiet, professional, and I trust you '. I told him that he responded as the Uruguayan national anthem in the stanza that says: 'I shall fulfill. " "Have no doubt that this support was crucial to have achieved what we achieved. I highly, "he said. It said the hierarch Aboriginal acted correctly. His departure does not alter his feelings of gratitude toward those who gave him the opportunity to lead again in the First Division. "I understand him as the leader today is not easy to keep the coach, there are things that do not walk, there are pressures too great, and really took it belonged. That will not remove anything, not even when I was when I arrived and when I leave with enormous gratitude to him for the Ibarra family, my thanks, and to all who have participated, players, fans ... "We were very happy people. Today they are happy those who want me to go - he laughs, "but they are also happy: Somehow I too happy," he says. Furthermore, "is understandable, because few executives have endured the time the engineer Francisco Ibarra we endured: believing that we could move forward. No problem, I had no argument to refute or anything. " REASONS Meanwhile, explained the reasons for his departure from the helm Rarámuri. Furthermore, denied that their relationship has broken with the costumes. "There were games that deserved to win, the victory was in other games and we could not be conclusive. Rest assured that my gratitude is too great for the players, for his loyalty, his professionalism, for all that have tried to give this institution. "There are no speeches or poems or anything that could change the history of computers. To me, what happened was that we could not find victories in all the right places. It was winning a game, change the stories, change minds, the stories always are released. I'm not finding the victory, the player was pressing, "he noted. It also rejected any claim to their former target. "There is no subject, in which, for me, can question and can ask them for explanations, no. He who came and who was destined to be the holder, or for exchange and go, always had our support and they tried to do, always get it right. "There are campus to leave, there roster for this team to be saved. I know this team is going to save, have no doubt. ÚLTIMA PETITION Hector Hugo Eugui spoke in his personal calls unconditional support for the team for its leadership, for its players, and even for those who come to the technical teporaca. "What we do is very clear, and that's a personal thing is that the players are, for the technician to come, if today it's up to Gabino (amparo) and it is in the Indian institution, support unconditional for an individual (Francisco Ibarra Molina) who has done the impossible to keep his team in Ciudad Juarez. "The support for him is unconditional because of the players and part of the people, if I'm not, that which is happy because I am not, but if tomorrow things were skating on a half result, which again to it, on the contrary, they have to give great support, because when there is no support to the player or to the people (coaching staff) is now determined leadership, no support for the president, no support for the institution " concluded, with a smile, always with "energy, empathy and enthusiasm."


The U.S. U-20 Men’s National Team looks to rebound from a 3-0 loss to Germany when they take on Cameroon on Sept. 29, in their second Group C match of the 2009 FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Egypt. Cameroon sit tied for first place in the group with three points after defeating Korea Republic in their opening game. The U.S. team can seize the opportunity to draw level with Cameroon with a win and catapult themselves right back into contention for qualifying for the next round of the tournament. Both of the USA’s final two group games will kick off at 6:45 p.m. local time (12:45 p.m. ET) and will be broadcast on ESPN2 and Galavision. Fans can also follow both games live on’s MatchTracker and at

Mexico is separated from the tender process for the World Cup 2018 and 2022

The Mexican Football Federation reported that, following consultations with all divisions that comprise professionals, has decided to formally separate from the bidding process to organize the FIFA World Cup 2018 and 2022.

That was informed by an a press realese by Mexican Football Federation.

The decision is based on two premises, the global economic environment and infrastructure investment requirements of myself and others.

(Mexico hosts 1986 World Cup)
The current global economic environment and short-term outlook does not allow the authorities of the Federation, or local and federal governments make commitments to finance investment in time necessary works for the magnitude of this event.

It is recalled that an event of this type requires that at least ten organizations participating in the organization.

Regarding the second premise, the analysis of the infrastructure of football itself as the cities where they meet, the pathways of communication between them and the services available to impose requirements in public and private investment today is virtually impossible to commit to the medium term.

In Mexico we have a sufficient number of stages to complete the competition, but most of these stadiums were built several years ago under the standards that FIFA ruled. Today, these same stages require significant investment levels. Economic efforts include several football teams have stadiums such as Santos, Chivas and Monterrey shortly.

Finally, we express our satisfaction with the tendering model FIFA has imposed since the two processes have been included in this World Cup bid, has allowed all interested countries sufficient time to prepare for events. On being informed of this decision, FIFA has responded by showing a full understanding, and underlined the professionalism and fair play shown at all times by the Mexican Football Federation over the bid process.

Jerome Valcke, General Secretary of world football's governing body said: "Although Mexico, which is one of the leading nations in world football and has previously organized two editions of the FIFA World Cup (in 1970 and 1986), has chosen finally for not keeping his candidacy-at least for once-a third World Cup, FIFA would like to thank the family of Mexican soccer participation in this 'competition'. obviously completely respect that decision and we are pleased to continue cooperate with the Mexican Football Federation, with his sights set on another beautiful common goal, the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2011, which preparations are on track. "