Sunday, November 1, 2009


El representativo de la República de Corea será el rival de la Selección Nacional Sub-17 en los Octavos de Final de la Copa Mundial Sub-17 de la FIFA, Nigeria 2009. El conjunto de Corea finalizó en la segunda posición del Grupo F con seis unidades tras vencer a la Selección de Argelia por marcador de dos goles a cero. En ese mismo sector Italia y Uruguay empataron sin goles, lo que permitió a los Italianos afianzarse en la cima de ese comndo. Por su parte el Tricolor finalizó en el segundo sitio del Sector B con seis unidades también, debajo de Suiza que terminó con nueve. El cotejo se llevará a cabo el próximo jueves 5 de noviembre a las 09:00 horas, en el estadio Abubakar Tafawa Balewade la ciudad de Bauchi.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Con un gol de Miguel Basulto al promediar la segunda etapa, México derrotó a Brasil por 1-0 y se puso otra vez en carrera por un lugar en los octavos de final de la Copa Mundial Sub-17 de la FIFA Nigeria 2009. El partido, válido por el Grupo B, se jugó este martes 27 de octubre en el Estadio Teslim Balogun de la ciudad de Lagos.
Al pesar del calor y la humedad reinantes, los dos equipos intentaron practicar un fútbol dinámico y bien jugado. Del lado brasileño, en el comienzo, se mostraron muy activos sus volantes Coutinho, Zezinho y Wellington, y eso le permitió a la Seleção dominar los primeros compases. Sin embargo, salvo aquel cabezazo de su capitán Gerson a los 6', no inquietó realmente a su rival.
A partir del despliegue de Abraham Coronado por derecha, más el atrevimiento de Víctor Mañón y Daniel Guzmán, México emparejó el desarrollo a partir de los 10', justo después de que Alisson evitara con esfuerzo y en dos tiempos la caída de su arco tras un cabezazo de Diego Reyes.
Brasil pareció quererlo un poco más, pero aquel trío que motorizó sus intenciones en el inicio se fue apagando, no usó las bandas con propiedad y centralizó demasiado el juego. Así, terminó a apelando a remates que nunca lastimaron a José Rodríguez, como aquellos de Coutinho (14') y Zezinho (17').
México, en cambio, siempre lució algo más prolijo, aunque tampoco tuvo lucidez para, colectivamente, poner a un jugador cara a cara con el arquero rival. Es cierto que, varios minutos después de esa bonita media vuelta de Mañón que se perdió por arriba, contó con la oportunidad más clara de la etapa, cuando Coronado, entrando por derecha, puso a prueba los reflejos de Alisson, quien evitó la caída de su arco (42').
La última, vale aclarar, volvió a estar en la cabeza de Gerson, pero el capitán brasileño desvió su remate contra el poste derecho mexicano.
Pegó justo y supo aguantarloEl desarrollo no varió en el comienzo del complemento. Brasil siguió diluyéndose en intenciones y, sin sorpresa, le hizo las cosas más fáciles a la ya de por sí sólida defensa mexicana. Igualmente, Rodríguez debió lucirse para evitar la caída de su valla ante un gran remate de Coutinho.
México tuvo varios tiros libres a favor desde los costados a los que no le supo sacar provecho, pero sí hizo trabajar a Alisson con uno frontal de Coronado, a esta altura uno de los mejores jugadores del encuentro.
Luis Nizzo metió mano en su banca y puso a Wellington Silva, quien 120 segundos después de saltar al campo de juego dejó a su tocayo Wellington de cara al gol, pero el número 8 brasileño remató desviado a los 67'.
Tres minutos más tarde, México finalmente sacó provecho de un balón parado. Primero, Coronado apareció solo por el segundo poste, pero Alisson le negó el grito enviando el balón al tiro de esquina. De ese córner llegó la apertura del marcador: el arquero no pudo contener el centro, dio un rebote largo y Basulto, con un toque preciso, envió el balón a la red (70', 0-1).
Brasil acarició dos veces el empate en los pies de otro substituto, Felipinho, pero Rodríguez le ahogó un derechazo y luego su zurdazo salió desviado por poco.
México entendió rápidamente que la mejor manera de defender la ventaja era teniendo el balón, y para eso fueron efectivos Gil Cordero y Coronado. Aguantó a pie firme los últimos embates brasileños y se dio cuenta que la victoria estaba consumado cuando, en tiempo de descuento, el remate de Wellington Silva desde la puerta del área pegó en Kristian Álvarez. Recién allí dio rienda suelta a una victoria clave para sus aspiraciones, dejando a Brasil con un signo de interrogación de cara a la última jornada.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Honduras no se rinde

Batida pero no abatida. Se trata de un juego de palabras fácil, pero se corresponde a la perfección con la sensación que dejó Honduras en su entrada en liza, en el choque contra Argentina, valedero para el Grupo A de la Copa Mundial Sub-17 de la FIFA Nigeria 2009. A priori, los Catrachos parecían abocados a sufrir un correctivo, pero hicieron sudar la gota gorda a los sudamericanos y, en varias ocasiones, estuvieron muy cerca de abrir el marcador. En primera fila, el delantero Antony Lozano habrá dejado dolor de cabeza en más de un defensa argentino.
Pese a la decepción de la derrota (0-1), el capitán hondureño se quedó con lo positivo del encuentro, y expresó su confianza en que los detalles prometedores mostrados contra Argentina se traduzcan en goles ante Nigeria. "Estamos decepcionados con el resultado, pero plantamos cara durante todo el partido y creamos ocasiones porque estuvimos bien organizados", explicó el único punta que alineó Eugenio Umanzor en el choque inicial. "Desgraciadamente, ellos marcaron primero; y luego, con las condiciones meteorológicas y un terreno de juego que quedó poco practicable, se hizo imposible recuperar la desventaja. Hemos aprendido la lección y, contra Nigeria, tendremos que materializar las primeras ocasiones".
Motivación y concentraciónUn discurso que el ariete del Olimpia de Tegucigalpa quiere transmitir a sus compañeros. Hay que resaltar que, pese a su aparente timidez, se toma muy a pecho su papel de capitán. "Estoy muy orgulloso de esta responsabilidad y de la confianza que me brinda el entrenador al confiarme el brazalete", confirmó Lozano, que sueña con el Manchester United, el Chelsea y el Real Madrid. "Aunque no hable mucho fuera de la cancha, sobre el césped intento siempre dar ejemplo. Trato de asegurarme de que mis compañeros no pierdan nunca la motivación ni la concentración".
Motivación y concentración: dos cualidades que no deberán faltarles a los Catrachos si quieren salir airosos ante Nigeria, que contará con el apoyo de todo el Estadio Nacional de Abuja. "No nos da miedo, estamos acostumbrados a la presión", afirmó Choco, como le apodan sus compañeros. "Al contrario, nos estimula más todavía. Nigeria es una selección muy buena, que ataca todo el rato y que además jugará ante su público. Pero nosotros estamos preparados y tenemos cualidades para ganar este encuentro".
Una victoria volvería a meter de lleno a los centroamericanos en la lucha por la clasificación, un objetivo que en ningún momento han perdido de vista aunque su grupo les tuviera reservado un infierno, con Alemania, Argentina y Nigeria como rivales. "Sabemos que hemos ido a parar al grupo más difícil, pero eso no quiere decir que salgamos derrotados de antemano", sostuvo Lozano, gran admirador de Ronaldo ("el de verdad, el gordito, no Cristiano", precisó).
La absoluta, fuente de inspiración "Vamos avanzando paso a paso con el objetivo de clasificarnos para la segunda fase. Nuestro primer partido confirmó que teníamos posibilidades. Sabemos que tenemos cualidades para realizar un buen torneo, gracias sobre todo a nuestro colectivo. Nos gusta tener el balón; apostamos por nuestra técnica y por nuestra rapidez, y siempre tratamos de jugar, no de esperar al rival", prosiguió Antony, ansioso por marcar su primer tanto en este campeonato.
Otra baza para los jóvenes Catrachos: el entusiasmo nacido de la clasificación de sus compatriotas mayores para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Sudáfrica 2010. "Esa clasificación nos hizo muy felices a todos, fue una fiesta grandiosa. Todo el mundo espera que Honduras haga un buen papel en Sudáfrica, pero hoy nos toca a nosotros defender los colores de nuestro país en una Copa Mundial. Sabemos que todos los hondureños están siguiendo nuestros resultados, y que nos animan y apoyan. Debemos hacer todo lo posible para, en la parte que nos toca, hacerles felices también", concluyó.

Honduras no se rinde

Batida pero no abatida. Se trata de un juego de palabras fácil, pero se corresponde a la perfección con la sensación que dejó Honduras en su entrada en liza, en el choque contra Argentina, valedero para el Grupo A de la Copa Mundial Sub-17 de la FIFA Nigeria 2009. A priori, los Catrachos parecían abocados a sufrir un correctivo, pero hicieron sudar la gota gorda a los sudamericanos y, en varias ocasiones, estuvieron muy cerca de abrir el marcador. En primera fila, el delantero Antony Lozano habrá dejado dolor de cabeza en más de un defensa argentino.
Pese a la decepción de la derrota (0-1), el capitán hondureño se quedó con lo positivo del encuentro, y expresó su confianza en que los detalles prometedores mostrados contra Argentina se traduzcan en goles ante Nigeria. "Estamos decepcionados con el resultado, pero plantamos cara durante todo el partido y creamos ocasiones porque estuvimos bien organizados", explicó el único punta que alineó Eugenio Umanzor en el choque inicial. "Desgraciadamente, ellos marcaron primero; y luego, con las condiciones meteorológicas y un terreno de juego que quedó poco practicable, se hizo imposible recuperar la desventaja. Hemos aprendido la lección y, contra Nigeria, tendremos que materializar las primeras ocasiones".
Motivación y concentraciónUn discurso que el ariete del Olimpia de Tegucigalpa quiere transmitir a sus compañeros. Hay que resaltar que, pese a su aparente timidez, se toma muy a pecho su papel de capitán. "Estoy muy orgulloso de esta responsabilidad y de la confianza que me brinda el entrenador al confiarme el brazalete", confirmó Lozano, que sueña con el Manchester United, el Chelsea y el Real Madrid. "Aunque no hable mucho fuera de la cancha, sobre el césped intento siempre dar ejemplo. Trato de asegurarme de que mis compañeros no pierdan nunca la motivación ni la concentración".
Motivación y concentración: dos cualidades que no deberán faltarles a los Catrachos si quieren salir airosos ante Nigeria, que contará con el apoyo de todo el Estadio Nacional de Abuja. "No nos da miedo, estamos acostumbrados a la presión", afirmó Choco, como le apodan sus compañeros. "Al contrario, nos estimula más todavía. Nigeria es una selección muy buena, que ataca todo el rato y que además jugará ante su público. Pero nosotros estamos preparados y tenemos cualidades para ganar este encuentro".
Una victoria volvería a meter de lleno a los centroamericanos en la lucha por la clasificación, un objetivo que en ningún momento han perdido de vista aunque su grupo les tuviera reservado un infierno, con Alemania, Argentina y Nigeria como rivales. "Sabemos que hemos ido a parar al grupo más difícil, pero eso no quiere decir que salgamos derrotados de antemano", sostuvo Lozano, gran admirador de Ronaldo ("el de verdad, el gordito, no Cristiano", precisó).
La absoluta, fuente de inspiración "Vamos avanzando paso a paso con el objetivo de clasificarnos para la segunda fase. Nuestro primer partido confirmó que teníamos posibilidades. Sabemos que tenemos cualidades para realizar un buen torneo, gracias sobre todo a nuestro colectivo. Nos gusta tener el balón; apostamos por nuestra técnica y por nuestra rapidez, y siempre tratamos de jugar, no de esperar al rival", prosiguió Antony, ansioso por marcar su primer tanto en este campeonato.
Otra baza para los jóvenes Catrachos: el entusiasmo nacido de la clasificación de sus compatriotas mayores para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Sudáfrica 2010. "Esa clasificación nos hizo muy felices a todos, fue una fiesta grandiosa. Todo el mundo espera que Honduras haga un buen papel en Sudáfrica, pero hoy nos toca a nosotros defender los colores de nuestro país en una Copa Mundial. Sabemos que todos los hondureños están siguiendo nuestros resultados, y que nos animan y apoyan. Debemos hacer todo lo posible para, en la parte que nos toca, hacerles felices también", concluyó.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Aprueba el Chicharo plan de la Selección Mexicana

ba Asegura Javier “Chícharo” Hernández que plan de concentración para el Mundial 2010 sí es conveniente

Carlos Torres/especial

HERMOSILLO, SONORA.-Javier “Chícharo” Hernández aprobó el plan de trabajo de la Selección Mexicana de Futbol rumbo al Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.

“Sí sirve, no es una concentración larga, son dos meses, en el Mundial del 86 nosotros tuvimos que irnos a vivir a la Capital por un buen tiempo con todas las cosas que eso representaba, dejamos nuestros clubes y ellos estuvieron dispuestos”, recordó.
Hernández formó parte del equipo dirigido por Bora Milutinovic que disputó la Copa del Mundo en 1986, el cual vivió un largo proceso de preparación.
Se le cuestionó al ex jugador de Tecos de la UAG y actual entrenador de Chivas de Segunda División, si realmente será benéfico el plan de trabajo presentado por Nestor de la Torre , debido a los posibles problemas que pudieran surgir por la incorporación de los jugadores mexicanos en el extranjero.
“Hay que recordar que en 1986 eran otras circunstancias, sin embargo Hugo (Sánchez) llegó de Europa como 22 días antes del Mundial y se adaptó sin ningún problema”, aseveró.
Hernández destacó que el actual técnico Javier Aguirre cuenta con el tiempo suficiente para trabajar de cara al torneo que inicia en junio del 2010.
“Javier tiene a los jugadores y el apoyo de los directivos, ahora debe de planear el trabajo para que México tenga una buena actuación en el certamen”, añadió.
México jugará 12 partidos en el país, Estados Unidos, Alemania y Sudáfrica, previos al inicio de la Copa del Mundo. El plan de trabajo incluye una concentración en Alemania antes de viajar, a finales de mayo hacia la cita mundialista en Sudáfrica.

América vs. Chivas
Aunque nunca le tocó un clásico Chivas vs. América por no haber vestido ninguna de las dos camisetas como jugador, Hernández, como parte de la institución rojiblanca aseguró que el partido de este domingo será especial.
“Va a ser un buen partido, independientemente de cómo lleguen ambos equipos, los jugadores no piensan en eso, sino en el encuentro en si”.
“Chícharo” Hernández destacó que a final de cuentas los técnicos plantean los partidos pero los que toman las decisiones son los jugadores, esto en relación a que de repente se dan enfrentamientos muy trabados que terminan en horrorosos empates 0-0.
“En ocasiones han existido 0-0 muy buenos, pero no creemos que el partido de este domingo vaya a terminar así, en ambos lados hay jugadores muy capaces”, concluyó.

U.S. U-17 Men’s National Team

From the U.S. Soccer Communications Center:

U.S. U-17 Men’s National Team
FIFA U-17 World Cup
Kano, Nigeria

IT’S FINALLY HERE: After more than two years of preparation in U.S. Soccer’s Residency Program, the U.S. Under-17 Men’s National Team is set to kick off its campaign at the FIFA U-17 World Cup. Wilmer Cabrera’s squad will open against Spain on Monday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m. local time (2 p.m. ET) from Sani Abacha Stadium in Kano , Nigeria . The U.S. is part of Group E at the event, and will continue through the first phase against Malawi on Thursday, Oct. 29, at 4 p.m. (11 a.m. ET) and against United Arab Emirates on Sunday, Nov. 1, at 4 p.m. (10 a.m. ET). All three of those games will be televised live on ESPNU and Galavision, and fans can also follow on’s MatchTracker and at

U.S. U-17 World Cup Schedule
Date Opponent Time TV Venue
Oct. 26 Spain 2 p.m. ET ESPNU/Galavision Sani Abacha Stadium; Kano , Nigeria
Oct. 29 Malawi 11 a.m. ET ESPNU/Galavision Sani Abacha Stadium; Kano , Nigeria
Nov. 1 UAE 10 a.m. ET ESPNU/Galavision Gateway International; Ijebu-Ode , Nigeria

A LOOK AT THE 21: Cabrera’s 21-player roster features players who represent 13 different states and 19 different clubs, including nine U.S. Soccer Development Academy clubs. Eight players have scored at least one goal for the U.S. over the course of 12 international games in 2009, and five – Luis Gil, Stefan Jerome, Perry Kitchen, Carlos Martinez and Jack McInerney – have registered more than 25 international appearances at the U-17 level. The roster blends 17 players born in 1992 and four born in 1993.

U.S. Under-17 Men’s National Team Roster by PositionGOALKEEPERS (3): 21-Keith Cardona (NY Red Bulls Academy; Glen Rock, N.J.), 1-Earl Edwards (Nomads SC; San Diego , Calif. ), 12-Spencer Richey (Crossfire Premier; Seattle , Wash. )DEFENDERS (6): 6-Zachary Herold (West Pines United FC, Port St. Lucie , Fla. ), 4-Perry Kitchen ( Chicago Magic; Indianapolis , Ind. ), 20-Boyd Okwuonu (Celtic Green; Edmond , Okla. ), 3-Tyler Polak (CSA Legacy; Lincoln , Neb. ), 2-Jared Watts (North Meck SC ; Statesville , N.C. ), 15-Eriq Zavaleta (FC Pride; Westfield , Ind. ) MIDFIELDERS (6): 5-Marlon Duran (Latino Americana; Ducanville, Texas), 10-Luis Gil (Pateadores; Garden Grove, Calif.), 14-Carlos Martinez (Wilmington Jr.; San Pedro, Calif), 17-William Packwood (Birmingham City, Concord, Mass.), 11-Nick Palodichuk (Washington Premier; Battleground, Wash.), 8-Alex Shinsky (Super Nova FC; York, Pa.)FORWARDS (6): 16-Juan Agudelo (NY Red Bulls Academy ; Barnegat , N.J. ), 19-Victor Chavez (Real So Cal ; Fontana , Calif ), 18-Andrew Craven ( First Coast Kickers; St. Simons Island , Ga. ), 7-Stefan Jerome (West Pines United FC; Davie , Fla. ), 9-Jack McInerney ( Cobb SC ; Alpharetta , Ga. ), 13-Dominick Sarle (BW Gottschee; Huntington , N.Y. )

The U.S. team departed the IMG Academies in Bradenton , Fla. , on Tuesday, Oct. 20, and arrived in Kano , Nigeria , the night of Oct. 21.
The first three games for the Americans will all be played on an artificial surfaces, with two matches at Sani Abachi Stadium in Kano and one at Gateway International Stadium in Ijebu-Ode.
Kano has also hosted the U.S. team at the FIFA U-20 World Cup, which was held in Nigeria in 1999.
The U.S. and Spain played once already in 2009, with the Europeans taking a 2-1 win via a last second goal on Feb. 18 in Spain .
Forward Jack McInerney scored one of his team-high nine goals this year in that game.
In all, the American team has scored 33 goals in 16 international matches in 2009.
The loss to Spain was one of only three for the U.S. on the year, the others coming against Argentina (5-1) on March 25 and Uruguay (3-1) on March 27.
Since then, the Americans have won seven straight international games.
Ten players on the U.S. roster have been in Residency since the Fall Semester of 2007: Andrew Craven, Marlon Duran, Earl Edwards, Zachary Herold, Stefan Jerome, Perry Kitchen, Carlos Martinez, McInerney, Tyler Polak and Jared Watts.
Only one player, midfielder William Packwood, is not a full time member of U.S. Soccer’s Residency Program in Bradenton , Fla. Packwood is based in England and plays in the Birmingham City academy.
The U.S. defense has posted seven shutouts this year, including two against fellow World Cup participant Gambia in the two most recent friendlies in September.
The matches against Gambia were part of the team’s most recent training camp at the home of Chelsea FC in England .
Jerome and Victor Chavez both scored a brace in the team’s 5-0 win against Gambia on Sept. 30, the team’s most recent international.
The U.S. also traveled to face the Kansas City Wizards and Crystal Palace Baltimore in recent weeks as part of final preparations for Nigeria .
The 2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup kicks off on Saturday, Oct. 24, as host Nigeria will play in the official opening match against Germany and Honduras matches up against Argentina in an extremely difficult Group A.
Group B also starts on Saturday, with Brazil and Mexico squaring off against Japan and Switzerland , respectively.
The United States , along with the rest of Group E and Group F, will be one of the last teams to open their respective campaigns on Monday, Oct. 26.
The United States and Spain have faced each other at least once in the final stages of FIFA’s five major competitions – the FIFA World Cup, the FIFA U-20 World Cup, the FIFA U-17 World Cup, the FIFA Confederations Cup and the Men’s Olympic Football Tournament. They have already crossed paths once in the FIFA U-20 World Cup, back in 2003, when goals from Jurado and Cesc Fabregas helped Spain secure a 2-0 victory.
The United States ’ opening matches in the last three editions of the FIFA U-17 World Cup have yielded 19 goals. In 2003, the U.S. out gunned Korea Republic 6-1, while two years later they overcame Korea DPR 3-2. Most recently in 2007, however, they were humbled 4-3 by Tajikistan .
Spain are on an unbeaten seven match run at the FIFA U-17 World Cup. After losing the 2003 final 1-0 to Brazil and missing out on the 2005 edition, two years ago the Iberians notched four wins and three draws including the final, which they ultimately lost on penalties to Nigeria.
HOW WE GOT HERE: The U.S. roster includes 15 players who were part of the team that successfully qualified for Nigeria , winning Group A of the 2009 CONCACAF U-17 Championship in April. Cabrera’s team opened with a 5-0 win against Cuba , clinched qualification with a 4-2 win against Canada and took the top place in the group by earning a 3-0 win against Honduras . The semifinals and finals of the tournament were canceled due to concern over the H1N1 virus. That team continued the USA ’s record of being the only country to have qualified for every FIFA U-17 World Cup since the tournament’s inception in 1985 by winning all three games in Tijuana while scoring 12 goals and allowing only two. Now the Americans are in Nigeria with the goal of advancing past the group phase for the seventh time in the event.

Date Opponent Result U.S. Goalscorer(s) Venue
April 21 Cuba 5-0 W Jerome, McInerney (2), Lletget, Gil Estadio Caliente; Tijuana, Mexico
April 23 Canada 4-2 W McInerney (2), Lletget, Gyau Estadio Caliente; Tijuana, Mexico
April 25 Honduras 3-0 W Palodichuk (2), McInerney Estadio Caliente; Tijuana, Mexico

GETTING SETTLED IN KANO: One of the biggest cities in Nigeria with more than seven million people, Kano is nestled in the northwest corner of Nigeria and is the namesake of the state in which it is located. The state of Kano is the only Muslim state in the country and the people speak Hausa, an Islamic language, as well as English. All four teams from Group E begin their journey here, about 350 kilometers from the Niger border.

SANI ABACHA STADIUM: Sani Abacha Stadium, located in the city of Kano , has hosted some of Nigeria ’s biggest soccer matches on the biggest stages. Refurbished for the 1999 FIFA U-20 World Cup hosted in Nigeria , the stadium hosted the 2000 African Cup of Nations that was co-hosted by Ghana and Nigeria . It has also staged Olympic qualifiers and FIFA World Cup qualifiers leading into Germany 2006. The home of Kano Pillars FC, the grounds have also hosted African Champions League action this season, before Kano Pillars was knocked out at the semifinal stage.

BORROWING THE GROUNDS: Local club team Kano Pillars FC have graciously offered FIFA their training and match fields for the U-17 World Cup, and in return, have had a facelift that includes brand new flood lights and a new artificial surface for both venues. Kano boasts one of the top teams, not only in Nigeria , but in all of Africa and was recently knocked out of the African Champions League by fellow Nigerian club Heartland. Kano Pillars are one of the most popular clubs in a soccer-mad country, drawing impressive crowds and garnering a lot of national attention. All this in just 19 years, as the club was founded as recently as 1990. As game day approaches, the four teams in Group E will train on the training and game fields used by Kano Pillars, which the U.S. will be borrowing for the duration of the tournament. In fact, the Kano club was granted a request to move one of the semifinal legs from Oct. 17 to Oct. 10 in order to make sure everything would be ship shape for the U-17 World Cup in Sani Abachi Stadium.

STARING AT SPAIN : Monday’s match against Spain marks the first what will hopefully be a long journey at the FIFA U-17 World Cup for the United States , but it certainly won’t be an easy task. The eight-time European champions at the U-17 level have also finished second on three occasions at the FIFA U-17 World Cup, including the most recent edition in 2007 in South Korea, under the guidance of Juan Santiesteban, who stepped down from his head coaching position after 20 years and a final European title in 2008. Though they didn’t lose a game in the 2009 continental tournament, Spain ’s three straight scoreless draws against Italy , France and Switzerland were enough for a third-place finish and one of six berths to Nigeria from Europe . Head coach Gines Melendez, who took over for Santiesteban last year, has named 21 players who are part of Spain’s most renowned academies, including eight from Real Madrid and Barcelona. Despite somewhat disappointing results in their qualifying campaign, Spain is included among the favorites in Nigeria .

Spain U-17 Roster by Position
GOALKEEPERS (3): 1-Edgar (Espanyol), 13-Julen Celaya (Real Sociedad), 21-Yeray ( Mallorca )
DEFENDERS (6): 2-Albert Blazquez (Espanyol), 3-Jon Aurtenetxe (Athletic Bilbao), 4-Sergi Gomez (Barcelona), 5-Marc Muniesa (Barcelona), 14-Jordi Amat (Espanyol), 20-Albert Dalmau (Barcelona)
MIDFIELDERS (8): 6-Koke (Atletico Madrid), 8-Eduardo Ramos (Malaga), 11-Adria Carmona (Barcelona), 15-Javier Espinosa (Barcelona), 16-Kamal (Real Madrid), 17-Pablo Sarabia (Real Madrid), 18-Sergi Roberto (Barcelona), 19-Kevin (Zaragoza)
FORWARDS (4): 7-Iker Muniain (Atletic Bilbao), 9-Borja (Atletico Madrid), 10-Isco (Valencia), 12-Alvaro Morata (Real Madrid)

YOU MAY REMEMBER…: The last time the senior teams of the USA and Spain met was in the semifinal of the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup in South Africa. Spain entered that match carrying a 35-game unbeaten streak and the world’s No. 1 ranking, but the United States were determined to make history. Goals from Jozy Altidore, who played in the 2005 FIFA U-17 World Cup in Peru , and Clint Dempsey lifted the Americans to a 2-0 victory and a place in the Confederations Cup final in one of the greatest victories in the team’s history.

HEROLD-ED: U.S. U-17 MNT defender Zach Herold has grown up a lot during more than two years in U.S. Soccer’s Residency Program, but has taken on a larger role for the team in recent months. Now, with nine starts and 11 international appearances in 2009, the Florida native looks ahead to his opportunity to play in the FIFA U-17 World Cup, which kicks off in just a few days.

TWEETING ALONG: Follow the U-17 MNT in short form as they journey through Nigeria by keeping up to date on our official Twitter page at
BLOGFRICA: If you want to keep up with the team in longer form, including exclusive stories, interviews, photos and more, make sure to follow the YNT Blog. Click here to join the team along its journey through Kano , Ijebu-Ode and beyond at the FIFA U-17 WC.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


A su arribo al Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México, Javier Aguirre, Director Técnico de la Selección Mexicana y Néstor de la Torre, Director de Selecciones Nacionales, atendieron a los Medios de Comunicación en Conferencia de Prensa, para hablar sobre los detalles del último partido eliminatorio y el futuro del equipo de cara al Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.
Para empezar, Aguirre dio su punto de vista sobre el empate ante Trinidad & Tobago, después de llegar con una serie de victorias en los partidos anteriores del Hexagonal:
“Fuimos el mejor local de la eliminatoria. Ganamos uno, perdimos uno y empatamos otro como visitantes. No fuimos primeros por un minuto, esa es la verdad. En cuanto a los jugadores, no es fácil salir al campo con el boleto en la mano y usar la misma intensidad, necesidad y urgencia de puntos.
“En global, es una eliminatoria buena, un boleto conseguido a pulso con mucha presión encima. Ayer, sin presión y con un rival que no tenía nada que perder, fue un partido que nos complicamos, hicimos un mal primer tiempo defensiva y ofensivamente; en la segunda parte un descuido atrás nos impidió ganar el partido”.
Después, el estratega dio su opinión acerca de si el Tricolor ya logró crear y encontrar una identidad:
“El equipo logró el objetivo. Hoy los jugadores están felices de estar en el equipo nacional, vienen con alegría y ganas de estar aquí, me da gusto que gente que no está quiera estar. A mi juicio eso es identidad. Se ha recuperado la comunión con la afición, va al estadio, nos reconoce, nos saluda. Los Medios de Comunicación son críticos como deben serlo, pero justos, sin ataques personales o con temas que no tienen que ver con el futbol”.
En cuanto al partido fue breve al dar su punto de vista de la mano de Gerardo Torrado, que significó un penal a favor de Trinidad & Tobago, en el partido de ayer:
“Es parte del juego. El árbitro juzga la intencionalidad de la mano; a mi juicio, es un movimiento natural, pero todo es parte del partido”.
Respecto los que se debe mejorar después de obtenida la calificación, lo que viene y qué es lo que se consiguió en estos meses, señaló:
“Cerramos una etapa en la que trabajamos contra reloj, en la que llamamos gente casi para cada partido. Ahora partimos de cero, vamos a empezar a monitorear a los futbolistas que hemos llamado, vamos a abrir el abanico de visorías y trataremos de en febrero y marzo, elegir a los mejores para que en abril no nos equivoquemos. Se acaba esta etapa, ya se cerró. Vamos a ver si mantenemos la base.
“Los 52 jugadores que fueron recorridos cumplieron cabalmente. Intentaremos trabajar bien, tener la mayor cantidad de partidos posibles, ver jugadores, hay mucho material, mucha gente con ganas. El futbolista recuperó el amor a la camiseta y la identidad. Vamos a trabajar fuerte para no equivocarnos”.
Sobre si Cuauhtémoc Blanco, debido a sus actuaciones, será el primero en la lista de convocados para el Mundial, el técnico dijo:
“Falta mucho de aquí a abril para dar nombres. Hay jugadores que se partían el alma. Diría que todos los futbolistas con los que conviví tuvieron una actitud ejemplar en su disciplina, dentro y fuera del terreno de juego. Eso me tiene muy contento. Pero falta mucho”.
Aguirre señaló de nuevo lo que vendrá para el equipo y lo más importante que dejó este Hexagonal:
“Los jugadores ya entendieron la importancia que tiene la Selección Mexicana para este país y entregamos un resultado bueno, calificar al Mundial, que para eso nos contrataron. El siguiente paso es elegir bien, ver el plan de trabajo y planificar bien la Copa del Mundo”.
Néstor de la Torre tomó la palabra y habló de si el programa rumbo al mundial de Sudáfrica ya fue aprobado por los dueños de los clubes de la Primera División:
“El programa ya fue presentado en la Junta de Dueños, con todo el calendario y las etapas; fue aprobado por unanimidad. La próxima semana aprovecharé para presentarlo con detalles, con fechas, posibilidades de partidos y, cualquier eventualidad que surja, será avisada con anticipación. Pero ya fue aprobado y no hay problema en darlo a conocer.”
Javier Aguirre expresó su opinión acerca de si se gana o se pierde al no jugar algún partido de preparación en la fecha FIFA durante el mes de noviembre, cuando otros equipos juegan el repechaje a la justa mundialista:
“Se gana tiempo, esta etapa se acabó. Me interesa lo más cercano a abril, ahora está todo palomeado. Estamos en el mundial, entonces nos veremos hasta febrero y marzo, ahí sí son oportunidades buenas para elegir en abril.”
Al cuestionamiento de cómo califica la Dirección de Selecciones Nacionales, la actuación del equipo en el Hexagonal Final, De la Torre contestó:
“La evaluación es buena. Fuimos concretos a la hora de empezar esta gestión, el compromiso era calificar, estábamos con otras circunstancias, con otros números, con otros escenarios y fue muy clara la postura, teníamos que ir al Mundial. Por supuesto que se cumple.
“Además hay algo importante, se creó una identidad del equipo. Se identificaron los aficionados con el equipo, llenaron el Estadio Azteca y apoyaron. Lo que se dijo que se iba a hacer, se cumplió”.
Javier Aguirre respondió a si hay frustración por no obtener el primer lugar en la última fase de la eliminatoria:
“No. Hace cuatro años México perdió en Trinidad, ahora empató. De locales ganamos todo, de visitantes perdimos sólo el primero. No me frustra nada, si por dos minutos o dos eventos nos vamos a frustrar, estamos mal. Al contrario, estoy orgulloso y contento, éramos quintos y nos quedamos a un minuto de ser primeros. Estamos en el Mundial”.
Para finalizar, el Director Técnico hizo un autoanálisis de su actuación y qué hay que mejorar rumbo a otros procesos mundialistas:
“Hay que sentar las bases para un buen proyecto de cuatro años, para que el futbol mexicano demuestre que tiene la mejor estructura del área, el mejor futbol, los mejores entrenadores, los mejores jugadores, porque damos ventajas. Me consta cómo se ha trabajado, te alcanza para llegar al Mundial pero lo ideal sería llegar bien fortalecidos, con una estructura y una base. Hay que trabajar más y mejor, hay detalles que tenemos que corregir a la defensiva y a la hora de definir”.


RESUMEN DE LA JORNADA - La maratón de 16 meses de clasificación en la zona de Norteamérica, Centroamérica y el Caribe culminó el miércoles por la noche con un estallido. A falta de apenas unos segundos para certificar su victoria en Estados Unidos y la tercera plaza regional de clasificación directa para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA Sudáfrica 2010, Costa Rica sufrió un gol en el último suspiro.
Como consecuencia, ahora se encuentra en el aprieto de tener que disputar la repesca con Uruguay, potencia sudamericana y dos veces campeón del mundo. El otro polo de la pena de Costa Rica fue la alegría de Honduras, pues su escueta victoria por 0-1 en El Salvador en combinación con el agónico descalabro de su vecino en Washington dio a los Catrachos el pase a su segunda participación mundialista.
Posiciones finalesEstados Unidos: 20 puntos (clasificado)México: 19 pts. (clasificado)Honduras: 16 pts. (clasificado)Costa Rica: 16 pts. (repesca contra Uruguay)El Salvador: 8 pts. (no clasificado)Trinidad y Tobago: 6 pts. (no clasificado)
El partido destacado Estados Unidos 2-2 Costa RicaGoles: Brian Ruiz (CRC 21' y 24'), Michael Bradley (Estados Unidos 72'), Jonathan Bornstein (Estados Unidos 95+).
Habiendo reservado su pasaje para Sudáfrica el pasado fin de semana, Estados Unidos tenía ganas de rematar su campaña con estilo en la ciudad de Washington frente a Costa Rica, que no ha ganado un partido en territorio estadounidense desde 1985. Las cosas no empezaron con arreglo a los planes norteamericanos, que se encontraron con dos goles en contra, obra de un inspirado Brian Ruiz, antes de cumplirse la primera media hora. Una victoria de los Ticos significaba que, con independencia de lo que Honduras hiciera en el partido que estaba jugando simultáneamente en San Salvador, Costa Rica se clasificaría para Sudáfrica como tercero de la tabla.
Pero un grave desfallecimiento de los visitantes trocó la alegría tica en angustia después de que Michael Bradley cazara furtivamente un gol de oportunista a falta de poco más de un cuarto de hora para el final. Luego de que los locales se quedaran sin Oguchi Onyewu por una grave lesión de rodilla y de que el seleccionador de Costa Rica, René Simões, fuera expulsado del campo, Jonathan Bornstein cabeceó a la red el tercer gol de su vida con la camiseta de su país a raíz de un saque de esquina lanzado por Landon Donovan. Mientras los norteamericanos celebraban su retención de la primera plaza, que dedicaron al joven delantero Charlie Davies, víctima de un grave accidente de automóvil el martes por la mañana, los Ticos abandonaban el campo desolados, muchos de ellos con lágrimas en los ojos.
Las lecciones del díaHonduras logró prevalecer en una contienda física contra El Salvador en San Salvador. El héroe de la noche fue Carlos Pavón, máximo goleador e ídolo futbolístico de la nación. Luego de pasar una noche complicada del sábado despilfarrando ocasiones de gol en la derrota de su equipo por 2-3 ante Estados Unidos, el astuto veterano se levantó del suelo, se sacudió el polvo y reclamó el único gol del encuentro. Las apasionadas celebraciones del delantero dejaron entrever un alivio profundo y la materialización de un sueño de toda la vida, el de jugar en un Mundial.
En Puerto España, Trinidad y Tobago se despidió de una campaña para olvidar con una actuación brillante. Kerry Baptiste anotó dos veces para los isleños, pero el resurgimiento de El Tri en la segunda mitad permitió a Enrique Alejandro Esqueda y a Carlos Salcido responder con otros dos tantos y zanjar el empate a 2-2. Con ese resultado, poco significativo para los Guerreros Soca, México terminó la etapa de clasificación en segundo lugar, por detrás de su principal rival, Estados Unidos.
Jugador destacadoCarlos Pavón (HON)El máximo goleador histórico de Honduras mostraba un triste aspecto tras la derrota en casa por 2-3 ante Estados Unidos el pasado fin de semana, en la que falló un penal en los últimos minutos y una oportunidad flagrante de gol a cinco metros de la portería. Pero, como dijo una vez memorablemente Michel Platini, "el fútbol es un deporte que se juega mañana": el romperredes de 36 años enmendó sus desaciertos del fin de semana en la jornada del miércoles.
Jugando en el caldero de Cuscatlán, donde los salvadoreños suelen ser inexpugnables, Pavón sentenció la victoria por 0-1 al elevarse más alto que nadie en el segundo palo en el minuto 64 para rematar a las mallas el blanco decisivo. Después de algunas noches sin dormir y de su brusco tránsito de héroe a chivo expiatorio, su imponente cabezazo le ha devuelto el rango de héroe nacional, pues vale los tres preciosos puntos que meten a Honduras en el Mundial del año que viene.
Números que hablan27: Es el número de años que hace que Honduras hizo su debut y su única aparición en un certamen de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA. En España 1982, desempeñó un papel digno al empatar dos de sus partidos de grupo, uno de ellos por 1-1 contra los anfitriones, pero aun así no logró superar el primer corte. Información de

Un llanto de alegría

Al terminar el partido en San Salvador, Julio de León cambió camiseta con un jugador rival, se abrazó con un par de sus compañeros y se dirigió caminando hacia el vestidor. Honduras había ganado, pero no era suficiente. Costa Rica estaba haciendo la hombrada en Estados Unidos, y los catrachos se quedaban en la orilla... otra vez.
De pronto, un sonido atronador hizo que detuviera su andar y levantara la mirada. Tres mil fanáticos vestidos de azul y blanco gritaban a coro mientras celebraban como nunca en su vida. El jugador no tuvo que preguntar para darse cuenta de lo que había pasado. La piel de gallina en sus brazos se lo había dicho todo en un segundo. Se derrumbó en la grama y se dejó llevar por el llanto y la felicidad.
Un milagro de última horaFue una jornada trepidante para toda Honduras. Al terminar la primera mitad en los dos partidos que decidían su destino, el panorama no podía ser más desolador. Costa Rica lograba lo impensable y dominaba con justicia a Estados Unidos con dos goles de Brian Ruiz. Honduras, mientras tanto, estaba atorado por los difíciles salvadoreños. Intentaba, pero sin éxito.
Por eso el gol de Jonathan Bronstein fue tan inesperado para los jugadores catrachos. Ellos, finalmente, habían hecho su parte con ese gol de Carlos Pavón, el hombre que había tenido en sus pies la clasificación unos días atrás y la había dejado escapar. Pero de nada servía si los Ticos ganaban en tierras norteamericanas. Y entonces, cuando todo era resignación, el defensor estadounidense se levantó en el área y desató el delirio a miles de kilómetros de distancia.
El propio Pavón, aún incrédulo al terminar el encuentro, describió sus sensaciones. "Esto es algo inolvidable, estamos felices, no se puede explicar lo que sentimos, fue sufrido pero Honduras se lo merece". Y después, describió su versión de esos segundos milagrosos. "Estábamos tristes, pero de un momento a otro vimos a la gente celebrar en las graderías, nos preguntamos qué pasaba y nos dimos cuenta que habían empatado los norteamericanos, nosotros corrimos y celebramos, merecemos ir al Mundial".
El vestidor y las callesReinaldo Rueda había sido expulsado durante el encuentro. Así, el técnico debió vivir la máxima angustia de no poder ver directamente el desenlace de más de dos años de trabajo. En el vestidor, pidió ayuda para que la historia tuviera un final feliz. "Entré al camerino, me arrodillé y le pedí a la virgen que me hiciera el milagro en Estados Unidos, y después no lo creía", afirmó eufórico. "Esto es para la felicidad de la gente. Es el mejor premio a toda la calidez que le han dado los hondureños a la selección y a mi persona".
La euforia era total. En las tribunas del Cuscatlán los catrachos viajeros se abrazaban y lloraban. Frente a ellos, los jugadores habían ido a rendir homenaje a esos aficionados que los habían acompañado en las buenas y en las malas. Futbolistas e hinchas se unieron en una sola voz: "nos vamos al Mundial", cantaban a coro.Y esas mismas palabras retumbaban en todo el país. Desde Tegucigalpa hasta San Pedro Sula pasando por La Ceiba, millones de personas salieron a las calles para festejar el hecho histórico. La fuente luminosa de "la ciudad de los zorzales" se llenó de fanáticos en calzoncillos, con la bandera hondureña como único atuendo, mientras se hacía imposible transitar por las calles de la capital.
De regreso en el "Cusca", David Suazo recorría la cancha de rodillas, para cumplir con una promesa hecha antes del partido. Amado Guevara se abrazaba con su gran amigo Pavón y le decía "lo logramos hermano... lo logramos". Los periodistas se felicitaban y se entrevistaban entre ellos.
Y las celebraciones continuarán hoy. El país tiene un día de asueto nacional, decretado por el gobierno y los fanáticos se preparan para recibir a sus héroes, que llegarán al país durante el día y se prevé que hagan un recorrido por las principales calles de la capital. Un digno colofón para terminar con 27 años de espera que, por más de 90 minutos, parecía que nunca iban a terminar.

USA finish in first place on the final hexagonal

After Michael Bradley Pulls a Goal Back in the 72nd Minute, Defender Jonathan Bornstein Scores Off Header to Tie the Match in the 95th Minute • Honduras Defeats El Salvador, 1-0, to Earn Third and Final Automatic Berth from CONCACAF to 2010 FIFA World Cup • Costa Rica Earns Spot in Playoff Against Uruguay, the Fifth Place Finisher in South America

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 14, 2009) -- With a berth to the 2010 FIFA World Cup already secured, the U.S. Men’s National Team took care of one last piece of business during its 10th and final game of CONCACAF Qualifying, mounting a furious comeback that finished with just 10 players on the field while earning a 2-2 draw with Costa Rica on a rainy night at RFK Stadium.

The draw, in front of an enthusiastic crowd of 26,243 fans, coupled with Mexico ’s 2-2 tie against Trinidad & Tobago, gave the USA first place in the group. The USA finished the Hexagonal with a total of 20 points, ahead of Mexico (19) and Honduras (16), who finished above Costa Rica (16) on goal differential. Costa Rica was just 30 seconds away from finishing in third place in the group and earning an automatic berth into the World Cup when Jonathan Bornstein scored off a header from a corner kick by Robbie Rogers in the 95th minute to tie the match.

“We are very proud to win the group," said U.S. head coach Bob Bradley. "It took a really determined strong effort by our team and we always talk about when you step on the field, you show people what you’re all about. Tonight is not the way you draw it up on the board before the game but it still showed the mentality, the spirit and we’re very proud of that.”
(More Quotes)

The USA had fallen behind 2-0 midway through the first half, but launched a fierce comeback that included a 72nd minute goal from Michael Bradley, who finished a rebound of a Landon Donovan shot, and then came Bornstein’s dramatic header with the final seconds ticking away.

The USA was reduced to 10 men for the last seven minutes of the game, plus five minutes of stoppage time, after defender Oguchi Onyewu went down in the Costa Rican penalty box with a torn patellar tendon in his left knee, suffered while he was backpedaling after a corner kick. He had to be stretchered off and, as the USA already had used all three of its allowed substitutes, the Americans played a man down the rest of the way.

As the fourth place finisher in CONCACAF, Costa Rica will have to face South American fifth place finisher Uruguay in a home-and-home series to vie for a spot in South Africa .

U.S. head coach Bob Bradley made three changes to the starting lineup from the side that defeated Honduras 3-2 last Saturday in San Pedro Sula to clinch a berth to South Africa 2010. Bradley called upon veteran Steve Cherundolo at right back, inserted Benny Feilhaber into the center midfield, and gave Jozy Altidore a run at forward alongside Conor Casey, one of the heroes of the USA ’s victory in Honduras after scoring twice, his first two career international goals.

Costa Rica came into the match with everything to play for as only a victory would guarantee the Ticos CONCACAF’s third and final berth. In the early going, Costa Rica ’s desperation turned into goals as the teams traded chances but the Central Americans put theirs away.

The first U.S. chance came in the ninth minute as the Americans counter-attacked off a Costa Rican corner kick. U.S. forward Jozy Altidore controlled the ball on the right wing and powered his way through two defenders before spotting Casey wide open in the middle of the field. Altidore played a long square pass to the streaking Casey, but with a wide open look at goal, he spun his 14-yard shot wide right.

Two minutes later, a Costa Rican cross from the left flank was met on the full volley by Tico captain Walter Centeno at the right edge of the six yard box, but U.S. goalkeeper Tim Howard was in great position to make the save at the right post and used impressive reactions to push the driven ball over the crossbar.

In the 18th minute, flank midfielder Stuart Holden popped free on the right wing after a nifty back heel from Casey and chipped a cross into the middle to Altidore, but his diving header attempt from the penalty spot went skidding wide left.

Soon after, Costa Rica scored twice in a four-minute span to rock the Americans. In the 21st minute forward Bryan Ruiz ran onto a pass into the left side of the penalty area, pushed past Onyewu then cut into the six-yard box. Ruiz was almost at point blank range when he squeezed his shot through Howard’s legs to make it 1-0.

Just three minutes later, Costa Rica made it 2-0 on an unstoppable blast from Ruiz, who popped open just outside the penalty area on the right side after a nice give-and-go. The Costa Rican forward sizzled a world class 19-yard shot on a line with his left foot into the upper left corner, giving Howard no chance.

After the Costa Rican flurry, the USA became the aggressor and, truth be told, the Americans were unfortunate to not score once or even twice before the halftime whistle.

In the 28th minute Donovan took a free kick from the left side just on the edge of the penalty area, but his spinning service well punched away by Costa Rican goalkeeper Keilor Navas, who did well all evening to get his fists on the frequent U.S. services into the box.

In the 32nd minute, Donovan had a direct free-kick chance from just about the same distance as his goal against Honduras last Saturday, albeit on the other side of the penalty arc, but he spun his shot over the top.

In the 37th minute Donovan almost finished off a great solo run, lifting the ball over Costa Rican defender Luis Marin after collecting a flick header from Altidore. Donovan raced into the left side of the penalty box, but fired his left footer from a sharp angle over the bar from 10 yards out.

In the 42nd minute, Altidore was taken down on left side just above the penalty area. Donovan touched the ball to the right to Bradley, but his low, driven blast was deflected away for a corner kick.

The USA had two fantastic chances to score in the final two minutes of the first half. The first came when Altidore won the ball on the right wing with a powerful tackle. He played the ball into the middle for Casey, but he let it run to Donovan, who he tried to slot the ball into the lower right corner from just inside the penalty spot. Navas stabbed his left hand to the ground and made a fine save to smother the shot.

Less than minute later, Donovan burst down left flank and cut a pass back to Altidore in the middle as his defender slipped to the ground. Altidore took a touch to settle, but his powerful shot from 13 yards was batted away by the charging Navas, who closed the distance in an instant.

In the second half, it became clear that Costa Rica was content to defend its two-goal lead while the Americans attacked with fervor looking to pull one back.

Costa Rica’s only dangerous looking chance after their goals came in the 60th minute as Ruiz fired low from distance, but Howard was easily able to make the save. Otherwise, it was a pretty much one-way traffic for the last half hour as the Americans attacked in waves in search of the group title.

Bradley made all three of his substitutions in the final 27 minutes, sending on Jose Francisco Torres for Feilhaber in the 63rd minute, Rogers for Holden in the 69th and Kenny Cooper for Casey in the 79th minute.

The USA finally broke though in the 72nd minute as Rogers crossed from the right wing. The ball was headed up in the air by Bradley and it fell to Donovan in the left side of the penalty area. He wound up on a defender, cut the ball into the middle and then shot quickly from 14 yards out. The low shot was parried by Navas, but Bradley slid to power the rebound into the roof of the net with his right foot from three yards away. It was Bradley’s seventh career international goal and fifth in World Cup qualifying.

Rogers almost tied the game himself a minute later as he ran onto a through ball in the right side of the penalty box, but couldn’t get enough on the shot to bend it around a closing defender and the goalkeeper, sending it wide right.

The USA continued to push hard for equalizer, especially down the right flank through the tireless work of Cherundolo and the fresh legs of Rogers, who also sliced a header wide left of the net after a cross from the right back.

In the 80th minute, a forced turnover in midfield led to a U.S. break and Altidore roared past a defender into left side of the box, but his shot under pressure flew over the goal.

The frantic ending to the match featured the ejection of Costa Rica head coach Rene Simoes and a member of his staff, who both engaged the fourth official in a heated exchange as the game moved into stoppage time. Both had to be escorted from the field by security.

The USA also had two corner kicks in stoppage time, scoring off the second one, despite Costa Rica implementing its best time-wasting tactics.

On almost the USA’s last kick of the game, with more than four and half minutes of the announced five minutes of stoppage time gone, Rogers took a corner kick from the right side and Bornstein sliced through the pack of players to power a six-yard header off the base of the right post and into the net to tie the match. The goal was Bornstein’s second career international tally, and first in World Cup qualifying.

Seconds later, referee Benito Archundia blew the whistle and the shocked and dismayed Costa Ricans left the field in tears, while the Americans, champions of CONCACAF World Cup Qualifying for the second straight cycle, celebrated wildly with each other and their fans. It was also the second straight time that the United States has edged out rivals Mexico to capture the group title.

After the match, the U.S. players paraded around the field with American flags and many displayed messages of support for teammate Charlie Davies, who was seriously injured in a car accident early Tuesday morning. In the ninth minute of the match, thousands of U.S. fans positioned at midfield held up “9” signs in honor of Davies, who wears that jersey number.

The match marked sixth time in 10 qualifiers that the U.S. had surrendered the first goal. In those six matches, however, the U.S. has earned 11 of their 20 points with three come-from-behind wins and two come-from-behind ties.

The USA joins Argentina , Brazil , Germany , Italy , Spain and Korea Republic as the only teams who have participated in all six World Cup since 1990, including secured berths to South Africa in 2010.

Fans who wish to follow the U.S. team to South Africa are encouraged to join U.S. Soccer Supporters Club, the official fan membership program for fans of the U.S. Men’s and Women’s National Teams. U.S. Soccer SC members will have priority status to purchase 2010 FIFA World Cup tickets through U.S. Soccer, with access ahead of the general public.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mexico ya esta en Puerto España

Para enfrentar el miércoles a Trinidad & Tobago, en el último encuentrode la Eliminatoria al MundialYa con el boleto en la bolsa y con el único objetivo de mantener el buen nivel mostrado, la Selección Nacional Mexicana llegó a Puerto España,Trinidad & Tobago, para enfrentar a la selección local, en el últimojuego del Hexagonal Final de la Concacaf al Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.El conjunto Tricolor partió por la tarde del Aeropuerto Internacional dela Ciudad de México, con las bajas de dos jugadores, Rafael Márquez yGuillermo Franco, artífices de la victoria ante El Salvador, y quienes seincorporaron al Barcelona y West Ham United, respectivamente.Sin contratiempos, pasadas las 11 de la noche horario local (10 del centrode México), el conjunto mexicano llegó a la Isla de Trinidad, sede eldécimo encuentro de la última fase del clasificatorio al máximo certamende selecciones en el mundo, se trasladaron al hotel de concentración,donde cenarán y descansarán.Mañana la actividad incluye una conferencia matutina con el DirectorTécnico Javier Aguirre y entrenamiento posterior a ella


The U.S. Men’s National Team qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa in dramatic fashion with a 3-2 win against Honduras with five goals scored and a penalty missed by Honduras in a heart-stopping second half.

A standing room only crowd of Honduran supporters rocked Estadio Olímpico in San Pedro Sula, uniting behind their national team despite the domestic political strife dominating international headlines. After a scoreless first half that saw both teams shooting off-target, the second half turned into an instant classic with the U.S. getting the deciding goal in the 71st minute from a free kick by midfielder Landon Donovan.

Forward Conor Casey provided the heroics for the U.S., scoring the first two goals of his international career in the 55th and 66th minutes, and setting up the Donovan freekick. It was Casey’s third appearance in the 2010 qualifying cycle, and the 15th of his career.

The Honduras faithful thought their side would draw even in the 87th minute when the referee awarded a penalty kick in their favor. Carlos Pavon, the all-time leading scorer for Honduras with 55 career goals, shockingly blasted his penalty over the crossbar. Despite the misfortune, the Honduran crowd showed their class by offering the U.S. team a warm ovation following the match.

The U.S. team returns from Honduras to face Costa Rica at RFK Stadium on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 8 p.m. with first place in CONCACAF qualifying on the line. More than 20,000 tickets have been sold for the match that will be broadcast live on ESPN2 and Galavision. Tickets are available at To finish first in the group, the U.S. needs to maintain its one-point lead in the standings ahead of Mexico, who travels to Trinidad & Tobago.

“This was the most important game in qualifying because it was the one that qualified us for South Africa 2010,” said U.S. head coach Bob Bradley. “The celebration was a very good one because when you have a group that has come together, that has worked hard, that has grown, when they’ve accomplished something it’s a special feeling. Tonight we can all share that feeling.”
More Quotes
After Honduras got things started with a handful of shots in the first few minutes of the game, the U.S. had the first dangerous opportunity in the 18th minute on a second consecutive corner kick by Donovan. His in-swinger from the left side bounced once in the middle of the penalty area and skipped to an unmarked Carlos Bocanegra. The bounce was too high for Bocanegra to get on top of and he headed the chance over the crossbar.

Eleven minutes later, Carlo Costly perfectly timed his run to beat the U.S. to a clearance over the heads of the U.S. back line. As he dribbled toward goal, he scuffed his shot just inches wide of Tim Howard’s right post.
Back the other way, the U.S. had their best chance to score of the half. Casey held the ball just across midfield on the right side and sent Stuart Holden, who was making his first World Cup qualifying start, free down the line. With plenty of time, Holden sent a pinpoint cross to Davies, whose header from eight yards was saved by Noel Valladares reaching back across his body. The rebound came right back to Davies, but he hit his follow-up effort above the crossbar.

After a scoreless first half, the complexion of the game changed completely just 20 seconds into the second half. U.S. defender Oguchi Onyewu fell and made a clumsy foul that set up a Honduras freekick just a yard outside of the U.S. penalty area. Julio Cesar de Leon took a one-step approach on his right-footed shot that curled over the U.S. wall and under the cross bar, just out of the reach of Howard in the 47th minute.

The U.S. answered eight minutes later with Onyewu getting involved in the goal. The U.S. center back served a 50-yard ball to the top of the penalty area, where Davies won the header and popped the ball high in the air. As it came down at the top of the six yard box, Casey spun in the air as he challenged Valladares for the ball, and he made first contact with the back of his head before the goalkeeper could get a hand on it. The ball bounced once before going into the empty goal.

In the 64th minute, forward David Suazo came on for Honduras and moments later he made a great diagonal run right from left to right. He received the ball in stride before unleashing a shot from the right side of the area to the far post that forced Howard to make his best save of the night with a two-handed parry to keep the ball from curling inside the far post.

In the 66th minute, the U.S. took the lead that it would not relinquish. Onyewu stepped in at the top of the U.S. penalty area to win a through ball, and carried the ball forward before he found Davies available on the left wing at midfield. Davies took the ball across midfield before playing it square to Donovan. Donovan dribbled toward the middle and threaded the defense for Casey who got behind the last defender in the area. Casey faked a shot to get Valladares to go down, and then calmly slotted the ball inside the right post.

A minute later, Jonathan Bornstein nearly doubled the U.S. advantage with a 25-yard blast that Valladares pushed back into play. Holden followed up but his shot from the right was blocked by a defender.

The U.S. continued to put the pressure on, and Casey earned a free kick after de Leon was whistled for a foul 22-yards from goal. Just three yards further from goal than de Leon scored from earlier in the half, Donovan perfectly placed the ball over Ricardo Clark standing at the end of the wall. Valladares was screened, and couldn’t react in time as the shot sailed over his back shoulder in the 71st minute.

Four minutes later, Wilson Palacios played a soft pass to Suazo who was in behind the U.S. defense on the right side. He played a cross in to Pavon who put the ball into the net from point-blank range. The goal was waived off, however, as Pavon was correctly ruled offside, in front of Suazo and the ball when the pass was played into the center.

In the 78th minute, play seemed to stand still as de Leon played Ramon Nuñez into the U.S. box with two other Honduran players in an offside position. Nuñez dribbled forward to the endline to bring his teammates back into play, and dropped the ball back for Suazo. He found de Leon a few yards away on the right side of the penalty area. De Leon took a touch toward the penalty spot before drilling a shot past a drawn-out Howard to cut the U.S. lead to 3-2.

In the 87th minute, a Nuñez free kick bounced in the area before coming up and hitting Holden’s left arm. Referee Roberto Moreno immediately pointed to the spot, and Pavon – who converted a penalty against the U.S. on Sept. 1, 2001, in Washington, D.C., in the last U.S. loss on home soil – missed the chance to equalize.
The U.S. held on for the next five minutes of regulation plus four minutes of added time to become the first CONCACAF team to win in Honduras during the 2010 qualifying cycle.

Honduras was previously 8-0-0 at home in qualifying for South Africa, and with three goals scored the U.S. matched the total that Honduras had allowed in their prior eight home games. The U.S. is now 5-3-1 on the road in qualifying, the best mark in CONCACAF heading into Matchday 10.

The match was the fourth time in nine qualifies that the U.S. surrendered the first goal. In those four matches, however, the U.S. has earned 10 of their 19 points with three come-from-behind wins and one come-from-behind tie.

With his goals, Casey became the 20th different player to score a goal for the U.S. in 2009 – the most ever in one year for the team. Donovan, with his pass to Casey on the second goal, set the U.S. single-year assist record with 10 to pass Cobi Jones.

The USA joins Brazil, Germany, Italy, Spain and Korea Republic as the only teams who have participated in all six World Cup since 1990, including secured berths to South Africa in 2010.

Fans who wish to follow the U.S. team to South Africa are encouraged to join U.S. Soccer Supporters Club, the official fan membership program for fans of the U.S. Men’s and Women’s National Teams. U.S. Soccer SC members will have priority status to purchase 2010 FIFA World Cup tickets through U.S. Soccer, with access ahead of the general public.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Carlos Torres

México se calificó al Mundial de Futbol Sudáfrica 2010 después de derrotar 4-1 a su similar de El Salvador en partido celebrado en el estadio Azteca del Distrito Federal.

Luego de un primer tiempo regular en el que se fueron arriba con autogol de Marvín René González, a los 25 minutos del primer tiempo, en una jugada donde la defensa salvadoreña se hizo bolas con el esférico y ante la presión de Cuahutémoc Blanco, González golpeó la pelota y esta se metió al fondo de la cabaña defendida por Miguel Ángel Montes.

Al iniciar la segunda mitad El Salvador salió con mayor convicción a la búsqueda del gol que les diera el empate, pero el gusto les duró solamente unos quince minutos, mientras que por México, el delantero del West Ham de la Liga Inglesa, Guillermo Franco aguantaba todo tipo de faltas de la defensa cuzcatleca.

En una jugada espectacular donde tocaron de taquito Vela (Arsenal), Blanco (Chicago) y que culminó en un pase de Franco al veterano delantero azteca, Cuahutémoc puso el 2-0, a los 71 minutos de tiempo corrido.

El estadio Azteca era una fiesta, México lograba llegar a 18 puntos en el hexagonal final de Concacaf, con lo cual asegura su pase a su Mundial número 13 en la historia, sin importar lo que hagan Estados Unidos, Honduras y Costa Rica que todavía pelean por la posibilidad de calificación directa; El Salvador y Trinidad y Tobago están fuera de toda pelea.

Juan Francisco Palencia, quien había entrado de cambio por Blanco a los 77 minutos, marcó en una linda jugada por sector derecho del ataque verde, el tercer gol, a pase de Carlos Vela, al minuto 84.

El gol de la honra cayó para El Salvador en un tremendo fierrazo de derecha del jugador de los Esmeraldas del León en la Liga de Ascenso en México, Julio Martínez, a los 88 minutos, su tiro de larga distancia dobló las manos del guardameta de México, Guillermo Ochoa.

Carlos Vela selló el marcador a los 90', cuando aprovechó un error del defensa González, el mismo que cometió el autogol, quien quiso peinar el balón con la cabeza al portero Montes, pero sin percatarse de la presencia del delantero del Arsenal, quien metió el pie para el 4-1 definitivo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

U.S. Men's National Team

CRUNCH TIME: After 16 games spanning 16 months, the U.S. is on the brink of qualifying for its sixth consecutive World Cup finals. Holding the top spot in the group with two matches remaining, the USA ’s path to advancing is as clear as it is precarious. While several scenarios could lead to South Africa on Matchday 9, one remains certain: a victory against Honduras . The U.S. faces that formidable challenge Oct. 10 in the cauldron of Estadio Olimpico in San Pedro Sula , with kickoff scheduled for 8 p.m. MT. Fans can check for a listing of establishments showing the match, or can follow along on’s MatchTracker or at

WHERE TO WATCH USA-HONDURAS: With every national team match, U.S. Soccer wants the television broadcast to reach the widest audience possible. However, the worldwide television rights to each CONCACAF World Cup qualifying match are the property of the hosting nation, meaning the hosting nation may distribute those rights at its discretion. In regards to the U.S. Men’s National Team’s match against Honduras on Oct. 10, the rights are owned by the Honduras federation, which chose to sell the U.S. television rights, in both English and Spanish, to a company which opted to broadcast via closed circuit feed only. As a result, the match will not be televised by any network or cable channel. While U.S. Soccer would prefer the match be more accessible to fans, we have no broadcast rights in this instance. However, we still wish to assist our fans as much as possible in their efforts to view the match and support the team. For a list of Official U.S. Soccer Bars and other establishments that confirmed that they will be showing the match, please click here.

THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: Two games to play in CONCACAF qualifying for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and everything to play for in one of the tightest qualifying races anywhere in the world. The United States , Mexico , Honduras and Costa Rica are intent on fighting for three automatic berths, with El Salvador still harboring an outside chance of gate crashing the top four. Mexico would seemingly have the easiest run-in, playing host to El Salvador and traveling to already-eliminated Trinidad & Tobago. Costa Rica looks to get back on track after a recent run of poor results - including a potentially disastrous home loss to Mexico - while Honduras ' double date with the USA and final-day trip to El Salvador looms large. The permutations are endless, but all will be decided in the final week of 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying.

Matchday 7 – Sept. 5, 2009
Costa Rica 0, Mexico 3
United States 2, El Salvador 1
Honduras 4, Trinidad & Tobago 1

Matchday 8 – Sept. 9, 2009
Trinidad & Tobago 0, United States 1
El Salvador 1, Costa Rica 0
Mexico 1, Honduras 0

Matchday 9 – Oct. 10, 2009
Costa Rica vs. Trinidad & Tobago, 10 p.m. ET
Mexico vs. El Salvador, 6 p.m. ET
Honduras vs. United States, 10 p.m. ET

Matchday 10United States vs. Costa Rica , 8 p.m. ET
Trinidad & Tobago vs. Mexico, 8 p.m. ET
El Salvador vs. Honduras, 8 p.m. ET

TO REACH THE PROMISED LAND: In order to secure a top-three finish in CONCACAF and an automatic berth to the FIFA World Cup on Matchday 9, the U.S. has to equal or exceed the number of points that Costa Rica earns hosting Trinidad & Tobago, which can be accomplished the following ways:
1. A U.S. win (with any Costa Rica result)
2. A Costa Rica loss (with any U.S. result)
3. A U.S. tie with a Costa Rica tie or loss
Note: If the U.S. fails to qualify on Matchday 9, the U.S. would qualify on the final match against Costa Rica with a win or tie. Or, if Costa Rica ties Trinidad & Tobago on Matchday 9, the U.S. could still qualify on Matchday 10 with a loss against Costa Rica if the U.S. retains a favorable goal differential.
Note 2: If the U.S. loses both games, they can still qualify ahead of Costa Rica, Honduras or Mexico depending on other results and goal difference, although several of the scenarios are unlikely (two Mexico losses and an El Salvador rout of Honduras by at least nine goals)

TO KEEP AN EYE ON: While a lot of variables still remain to determine which teams will represent CONCACAF at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, consider these facts for the U.S. heading into the final two games:

El Salvador avoided elimination on the last matchday by virtue of their dramatic injury time winner against Costa Rica . El Salvador can still obtain a top three place, but they would need to win both of their games and get help from other teams. Trinidad & Tobago was eliminated with their loss against the USA on Sept. 9.
In the previous two World Cup cycles, the third place team qualified for the World Cup with 16 points in 2006, and 17 points in 2002.
The U.S. finished in third place during the 2002 cycle, qualifying on Matchday 9 with a 2-1 victory on Oct. 7, 2001, against Jamaica . In the 2006 cycle, the U.S. booked their ticket in the seventh game of the 10-match round-robin, earning a comprehensive 2-0 win against Mexico on Sept. 3, 2005, in Columbus .

TIE-BREAKERS: With the end of qualifying looming, now is a good time to refresh the system of tiebreakers used to separate teams in the standings. The ranking in each hexagonal is determined as follows:
1. greatest number of points obtained in all group matches;
2. goal difference in all group matches;
3. greatest number of goals scored in all group matches.

If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their rankings will be determined as follows:
4. greatest number of points obtained in the group matches between the teams concerned;
5. goal difference resulting from the group matches between the teams concerned;
6. greatest number of goals scored in all group matches between the teams concerned;
7. drawing of lots by the FIFA Organizing Committee.

The U.S. travels to San Pedro Sula with 22 players. After being named to the squad, Clint Dempsey suffered a shoulder sprain in his latest league match with Fulham and will not travel to Honduras . Two-time World Cup veteran Frankie Hejduk was added to the training camp roster Tuesday.
There are no suspended U.S. players heading into Saturday evening's match. Honduras captain Amado Guevara and Elvis Turcios are suspended for the hosts. See below for a full disciplinary report.
The U.S. has a lifetime record of 10-2-3 against Honduras , with a 3-1-1 record in World Cup qualifying. The teams have met four times on Honduran soil dating back to 1965, with only one meeting in the last 15 years. The U.S. is 2-1-1 in those encounters.
The USA 's last trip to Honduras came in 2001, when goals from Earnie Stewart and Clint Mathis helped the U.S. to a 2-1 victory on March 28, 2001, in San Pedro Sula in the second match of final round qualifying for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Steve Cherundolo is the only player on the current roster to appear in that game, earning only his second cap for the United States .
The U.S. is 4-3-1 on the road overall in the 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying campaign.
Honduras is 8-0-0 at home in 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying, the same record as the United States , earning five shutouts in the process.
The team last played at least two consecutive road qualifiers during a stretch in 2008 where the team played three games abroad. On June 22, 2008, the team defeated Barbados 1-0 in the second leg of the second round of FIFA World Cup qualifying. The USA then opened the semifinal round with two games on the road: a 1-0 victory against Guatemala in Guatemala City on Aug. 20, 2008 – their first win on Guatemalan soil in more than 20 years – and a 1-0 win against Cuba on Sept. 6 in Havana .
Nine players on the U.S. roster for Saturday's game started in the last World Cup qualifier against Honduras on June 6, 2009, at Soldier Field. Goals from Landon Donovan and Carlos Bocanegra helped the USA to a 2-1 come-from-behind victory against Los Catrachos.
That match marked a return to national team duty for Benny Feilhaber, with the midfielder coming on as a halftime sub to make his first appearance for Bob Bradley's team in more than year.
Landon Donovan leads all U.S. scorers with three career goals against Honduras , while four other players have also tallied against the Central American side: Bocanegra, Brian Ching, and defenders Clarence Goodson and Oguchi Onyewu.
Onyewu scored his first national team goal against Honduras , a game-winner in the 92nd minute that sent the U.S. into the final of the 2005 CONCACAF Gold Cup against Panama .
Goodson's goal against Honduras came in remarkably similar circumstances: it was the defender's first national team goal, it was a header, it was a game-winner and it sent the USA on its way to the CONCACAF Gold Cup final (albeit four years later in 2009).
With his goal in the 2-1 win against El Salvador on Sept. 5 in Sandy , Utah , Jozy Altidore remained the USA ’s leading scorer in the 2010 qualifying cycle with six goals. Dempsey moved into second place on the list with his game-tying goal that day, now on five goals scored.
Ricardo Clark scored his first World Cup qualifying goal in the most recent game for the USA . The midfielder's 25-yard drive proved the game-winning goal against Trinidad & Tobago on Sept. 9 in Port-of-Spain that delivered the U.S. their first road win in the final round.
Donovan, the USA 's all-time assists leader with 41 total, set up Clark's goal in Trinidad . It was the third consecutive goal in qualifying where he has lent a hand, having served up assists to Dempsey and Altidore in the 2-1 win against El Salvador four days earlier.
Donovan has contributed to 10 of the USA ’s 14 goals in the final round of qualifying, tallying two goals and eight assists.
Donovan now has nine assists in 2009, tied with Cobi Jones’ record of nine in one calendar year for the United States .
Michael Bradley, Bocanegra, Dempsey and Donovan have started 13 out of 14 qualifiers this cycle. Donovan has the most minutes in qualifying (1,160), with Bocanegra (1,150) and Bradley (1,145) close behind.
Stuart Holden made his World Cup qualifying debut when he came on as a sub in the game at Estadio Azteca. He reprised that role in the 2-1 win against El Salvador and the 1-0 victory against T & T.
Tim Howard, who earned the Golden Glove award in South Africa as the tournament’s best goalkeeper, has eight shutouts in 14 career World Cup qualifiers. Three of those clean sheets have come against T & T, a pair of 3-0 victories and last month's win in Port-of-Spain.
Howard earned his 28th career win against Trinidad , surpassing Brad Friedel (27) and gaining sole possession of third all-time behind Kasey Keller (53) and Tony Meola (37).
In 13 games in 2009, Altidore has recorded six goals without also registering an assist, the most goals without a helper since Frank Klopas scored eight times without adding an assist to his stat sheet in 1994.

Average Age: 26.1 Average Caps: 32.6
Most Caps: 118 (Landon Donovan) Fewest Caps: 6 (Clarence Goodson, Robbie Rogers, José Francisco Torres
Oldest: 35 (Frankie Hejduk) Youngest: 19 (Jozy Altidore)

Play professionally in: USA (9), England (4), Germany (3), France (2), Denmark (1), Italy (1), Mexico (1), Norway (1)

PROCEED WITH CAUTION: Eight players on the U.S. roster are carrying cautions into the match, meaning their next yellow card will trigger a one-game suspension. Honduras has four players in the same situation:
USA Honduras
Jozy Altidore Osman Chavez
Carlos Bocanegra Carlo Costly
Conor Casey Julio César León
Steve Cherundolo Ramon Nuñez
Ricardo Clark
Landon Donovan
Benny Feilhaber
Frankie Hejduk

FAMILIAR FOES: Honduras has proven a frequent foil for Bob Bradley's side in one of the busiest years of all time for the U.S. Men's National Team. The game on Saturday will mark the fourth time the teams have met in international competitions in 2009, a record for a United States opponent. Even more interesting was the proximity of the first three meetings, which took place in a 47-day span during the USA 's incredibly busy summer which took them from Central America to the United States to the Confederations Cup and back for the CONCACAF Gold Cup.
2009 U.S. Games against Honduras
U.S. Goal Scorers
June 6
2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifying
2-1 W
Donovan, Bocanegra
Soldier Field, Chicago , Ill.
July 8
2-0 W
Quaranta, Ching
RFK Stadium, Washington , D.C.
July 23
2-0 W
Goodson, Cooper
Soldier Field, Chicago , Ill.

GAME-WINNERS: With his goal against El Salvador , Jozy Altidore became the fourth U.S. player to record multiple game-winning goals in this World Cup cycle. Michael Bradley has a pair of game-winners to his credit, including the brilliant flick against T & T on Sept. 10, 2008, in the 3-0 win in Bridgeview , Ill. , and both goals in the 2-0 win against Mexico on Feb. 11 in Columbus . Carlos Bocanegra headed home the lone goal in the 1-0 win on Aug. 20, 2008, at Guatemala to open the semifinal round, then repeated the feat to help the U.S. past Honduras on June 6 in Chicago. Clint Dempsey recorded two game-winning goals in World Cup qualifying last year – against Barbados on June 15, 2008, in Carson , Calif. , and in the 1-0 win on Sept. 6, 2008, in Cuba . Overall, eight U.S. scorers have GWG next to their name on the scoresheet in this cycle.

RALLY CAPS: The come from behind win against El Salvador marked the second consecutive home qualifier the U.S. has erased a deficit to take three points. On June 6 in Chicago , goals by Landon Donovan and Carlos Bocanegra nullified an early strike by Carlo Costly. The U.S. staged a different kind of comeback on March 28 in El Salvador when Frankie Hejduk had a goal and an assist to earn a 2-2 draw in El Salvador . The rally marked the first time that the team had faced and erased a two-goal deficit on the road. The USA ’s previous two-goal comeback came Oct. 8, 1995, at RFK Stadium, when the U.S. spotted Saudi Arabia three goals in 29 minutes until a four-goal rally culminated in a goal by Roy Lassiter to lift the U.S. to a stunning 4-3 victory.

DEJA VU – WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? Matchday 9 of CONCACAF qualifying for the 2002 World Cup in Korea/Japan was filled with some amazing twists and turns that came together to send the U.S. team to Asia . Now in similar circumstances, the U.S. could qualify for South Africa if results around the hexagonal go the USA 's way. Revisit an exciting day of qualifying from eight years ago with's look at the culmination of the road to the 2002 World Cup

FRIENDLY CONFINES: If you have ever discounted the importance of winning games at home, the CONCACAF 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying standings should make you sit up and take notice. Of the top four teams, only Costa Rica is not a perfect 8-0-0 at home during the road to South Africa . As a result of their improbable loss to Mexico at Estadio Saprissa, Los Ticos are on the outside looking in at an automatic berth to the World Cup.

LD SNATCHES ANOTHER RECORD: Landon Donovan holds numerous records for the U.S. Men's National Team, and last month he set another. Donovan surpassed former teammates and national team standouts Kasey Keller, Eddie Pope, and Claudio Reyna when he started against El Salvador on Sept. 5, and took his total appearances in World Cup qualifying to 33 when he played the full 90 minutes against Trinidad & Tobago on Sept. 9.

World Cup Qualifying All-Time Appearances
Name Apps. Era
1. Landon Donovan 33 2000-2009
2. Kasey Keller 31 1990-2007
Eddie Pope 31 1996-2006
Claudio Reyna 31 1994-2006
5. Cobi Jones 30 1992-2004
Earnie Stewart 30 1990-2004
7. Jeff Agoos 26 1988-2003
DaMarcus Beasley 26 2001-2009
9. Brian McBride 25 1993-2006

GAME NO. 21 ON THE WORLD TOUR: Saturday’s match represents the 21st international for the U.S. team in 2009, and the 20th game in official competition, which is already the most ever in a calendar year (the previous record was 16 in 2005). The U.S. holds a record of 12-6-2 through the first seven months of the year, scoring 37 goals, surrendering 28, and earning eight shutouts with three different goalkeepers. There have been four games against teams in the top 10 in the world (Spain, Brazil twice, and Italy), the first erasure of a two-goal deficit to earn at le ast a point in 13 years (against El Salvador in March), two come-from-behind wins at home (against Honduras and El Salvador), and consecutive appearances in international tournament finals (FIFA Confederations Cup and CONCACAF Gold Cup).

INTO THE NEXT 50: Since January of 2007 it has been the charge of U.S. head coach Bob Bradley to achieve the most important goal of any soccer playing nation: qualification for the FIFA World Cup. With 52 games under his belt, seeing 85 different players at least once and the process of reaching South Africa in 2010 coming to a climax, a review of the body of work during the past nearly-three years points to the U.S. clearly heading in the right direction. Bradley’s 31 victories in 50 games outdistanced his predecessor Bruce Arena, who had collected 25 victories at that point in his tenure. Since the start of the four-year cycle, the U.S. has:

produced the best finish ever at a FIFA tournament, finishing second at the FIFA Confederations Cup.
won six straight FIFA World Cup qualifiers in a row in 2008, a new team record (June 15-Oct. 15).
won the CONCACAF Gold Cup title in 2007 to qualify for the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup.
won by the largest margin of victory in U.S. World Cup qualifying history (8-0 vs. Barbados on June 15, 2008).
won back-to-back games in Europe for the first time in team history (Oct. 17, 2007 @ Switzerland and March 26, 2008 @ Poland ).
won three straight matches on the road for the first time in team history (Oct. 17, 2007 @ Switzerland , Nov. 17, 2007 @ South Africa and March 26, 2008 @ Poland).
played seven matches against four teams ranked in the top five in the world at the time they stepped on the field against them (Argentina, Brazil-3, Italy, Spain-2).
played matches on four continents.
posted 1-1-1 record against No. 1-ranked teams, including a semifinal upset of Spain at the FIFA Confederations Cup.

All-Time: 33-14-5
Qualifying: 12-3-1
Gold Cup: 10-1-1
Goals For: 98
Goals Against: 57
Shutouts: 22

Record vs. …
CONCACAF: 23-4-4, 60 GF, 26 GA
CONMEBOL: 1-6-1, 9 GF, 19 GA
UEFA: 6-4-0, 15 GF, 10 GA
AFC: 1-0-0, 4 GF, 1 GA
CAF: 2-0-0, 4 GF, 0 GA

Record when …
Leading at half: 21-2-2
Losing at half: 2-4-1
Tied at half: 10-8-2

STARTING ANEW: Before losing to Mexico in the 2009 CONCACAF Gold Cup Final, the U.S. had gone 58 games without losing to a CONCACAF opponent on home soil. On Sept. 5 against El Salvador , the USA started a new streak by grabbing their first win, but here's a look back at the 58-game unbeaten run stretching more than eight years. During the run the U.S. went 7-0-0 against Honduras , with three wins coming in 2009 alone.

2001: 1-0-0; 2 GF, 1 GA
2002: 7-0-1; 19 GF, 0 GA (8 clean sheets)
2003: 5-0-1; 16 GF, 2 GA (5)
2004: 5-0-2; 17 GF, 2 GA (5)
2005: 10-0-2; 22 GF, 4 GA (9)
2006: 1-0-2; 5 GF, 1 GA (2)
2007: 7-0-1; 15 GF, 3 GA (4)
2008: 4-0-1; 21 GF, 3 GA (3)
2009: 7-0-1; 19 GF, 5 GA (5)
Total: 47-0-11; 136 GF, 21 GA (41 clean sheets)

SPREADING THE WEALTH: Ricardo Clark became the USA 's 15th different scorer in 2010 World Cup Qualifying when he netted the game winner on Sept. 9 in Trinidad & Tobago. Clark's goal made him the first unique U.S. goalscorer since Frankie Hejduk tallied against El Salvador in March. Hejduk joined Carlos Bocanegra (2) and Oguchi Onyewu (1) as the other defenders to score in qualifying. Jozy Altidore leads all scorers (6), with Clint Dempsey (5) right behind him. Michael Bradley (4), Brian Ching (4) and Landon Donovan (4) have found the net with some frequency, while Charlie Davies (2) and DaMarcus Beasley (2) have also registered multiple goals. Also on the score sheet with one goal each are Freddy Adu, Kenny Cooper, Eddie Johnson and Eddie Lewis, who made his goal count as the game-winner on June 22, 2008, against Barbados . Clark was also the 18th different player to score in 2009, matching the record number of different goal scorers set by the U.S. team in 1993 and 2000.


0 – Losses at home in qualifying under Bob Bradley
1 – Player on the roster who played for the USA the last time the team traveled to Honduras : Steve Cherundolo.
6 – Goals by Jozy Altidore in 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying, good for the team lead
9 – Total clean sheets kept by Tim Howard and Brad Guzan out of 14 games
11 - Goals for Landon Donovan in World Cup qualifying, the USA 's all-time leader
42 – Players with at least one appearance in 2010 World Cup qualifying

TICKETS ON SALE FOR FINAL MATCHDAY IN WASHINGTON D.C. : Tickets for the U.S. Men's National Team's final home qualifier of the 2010 FIFA World Cup cycle are on sale now at The USA will take on Costa Rica on Oct. 14 at RFK Stadium in Washington , D.C. in the last game of the final round of qualifying. The United States has a perfect 8-0-0 record in home qualifiers and will try to keep up the run as they meet Los Ticos in what could be a deciding game for a place in the World Cup.

FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: Keep up with all U.S. Men’s National Team news (in short form, of course) by following at

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THE GAME IS IN US: Support for United States ' bid to host the FIFA World Cup in 2018 or 2022 has picked up some serious steam since the launch of Twelve other nations are bidding to host at least one of the tournaments and if we're going to win the honor of hosting the FIFA World Cup™, it'll be because of the overwhelming grassroots support of soccer fans who believe in our bid's official theme, The Game Is In US. Please take a moment to sign the petition to officially show your support for the US bid to bring the World Cup™ back to America .

Federación Nacional Autónoma de Fútbol de Honduras
Founded: 1951 (Joined FIFA the same year)
Head Coach: Reinaldo Rueda (Colombia)
Best World Cup Finish: First Round, 1982
Best CONCACAF Gold Cup Finish: Runner-up, 1991
Caps Leader: Amada Guevara (127)
Top Scorer: Carlos Pavon (55)
Key Players: Carlo Costly, Wilson Palacios, David Suazo

ON THE VERGE: Honduras is within touching distance of their first trip to the World Cup since 1982. An unblemished home record (8-0-0 in 2010 World Cup qualifying) has been a large part of Los Catrachos' march towards South Africa and Reinaldo Rueda's men can complete a perfect home performance with a win against the USA. The home crowd in San Pedro Sula will be in a frenzied mood as Honduras goes for its first victory against the USA in four attempts in 2009.

CALLING 'EM IN: Rueda has summoned 24 players into camp, with 10 players coming from clubs abroad. Team captain Amado Guevara is suspended for the game against the United States , but the 2004 MLS MVP is joined by a growing contingent of players in Europe that includes Wilson Palacios at Tottenham Hotspur. The combative midfielder is winning admirers in England where his all-action style has fit well into the Premier League. In the same league, fullback Maynor Figueroa has solidified his place at Wigan Athletic where he's recently been joined by compatriot Hendry Thomas. Dangerous striker David Suazo plays under Jose Mourinho at Inter Milan, while Edgard Álvarez and Julio César Leon also play in Italy 's Serie A with Bari and Parma , respectively. Rueda has called on his fair share of domestic based players as well, with five players coming from current Honduran champions Olimpia. That includes defender Jonny Palacios, brother of Carlos and Wilson, who was added as a late replacement for the injured Victor "Muma" Bernárdez.

Honduras Roster by Position
GOALKEEPERS (3): Noel Valladares (Olimpia), Donis Escober (Olimpia), Ricardo Canales (Motagua)
DEFENDERS (8): Osman Chávez (Platense), Maynor Figueroa (Wigan Athletic), Boniek García (Olimpia), Emilio Izaguirre (Motagua), Erick Norales (Marathón), Carlos Palacios (Real España), Jonny Palacios (Olimpia) Mauricio Sabillón (Marathón)
MIDFIELDERS (8): Edgard Álvarez ( Bari ), Julio César León ( Parma ) Ramón Núñez (Cruz Azul), Amado Guevara ( Toronto FC), Wilson Palacios (Tottenham Hotspur), Hendry Thomas ( Wigan Athletic), Danilo Turcios (Olimpia), Melvin Valladares (Real España)
FORWARDS (5): Carlos Pavón (Real España), Carlo Costly (Belchatow), Walter Martínez (Marathón), Jerry Palacios (Marathón), David Suazo (Inter Milán)

On the field for USA in World Cup qualifying

Sept. 9, 2009 – Hasely Crawford Stadium, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad – 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifying, Final Round, Matchday 8
USA 1 Ricardo Clark 63
Trinidad & Tobago 0

USA: 1-Tim Howard; 2-Jonathan Spector, 5-Oguchi Onyewu, 3-Carlos Bocanegra (capt.), 12-Jonathan Bornstein; 8-Clint Dempsey (7-Stuart Holden, 82), 13-Ricardo Clark, 4-Michael Bradley, 10-Landon Donovan; 9-Charlie Davies (11-Brian Ching, 77), 17-Jozy Altidore (16-Benny Feilhaber, 63)
Subs not used: 6-Steve Cherundolo, 14-Jose Francisco Torres, 15-Chad Marshall , 18-Brad Guzan
Head Coach: Bob Bradley

TRI: 1-Clayton Ince; 11-Carlos Edwards, 3-Radanfa Abu Bakr, 6-Dennis Lawrence (capt.), 4-Jlloyd Samuel; 10-Hayden Tinto (12-Keon Daniel, 66), 2-Clyde Leon, 8-Trent Noel (9-Jason Scotland, 84), 16-Silvio Spann (14-Kerry Baptiste, 72); 13-Cornell Glen, 17-Kenwyne Jones
Subs not used: 5-Keyeno Thomas, 7-Densil Theobald, 15-Lyndon Andrews, 18-Marvin Philip
Head Coach: Russell Latapy

On the field for Honduras in World Cup qualifying
Sept. 9, 2009 – Estadio Azteca , Mexico City, Mexico – 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifying, Final Round, Matchday 8
Mexico 1 Cuauhtemoc Blanco 76 (pen)
Honduras 0

MEX: 1-Guillermo Ochoa; 2-Jonny Magallon, 3-Carlos Salcido, 5-Ricardo Osorio, 8-Israel Castro, 10-Cuauhtemoc Blanco (capt.), 14-Miguel Sabah (9-Juan Carlos Cacho, 71), 15-Jose Castro (11-Pablo Barrera, 62), 16-Efrain Juarez, 17-Giovani dos Santos (13-Oscar Rojas, 80), 18-Andres Guardado
Subs not used: 4-Aaron Galindo, 6-Hector Moreno , 7-Nery Castillo, 12-Jose Corona
Head Coach: Javier Aguirre

HON: 18-Noel Valladares; 2-Osman Chavez, 3-Maynor Figueroa, 7-Amado Guevara (capt.), 8-Wilson Palacios, 9-Carlos Pavon, 11-Ramon Nunez, 12-Emilio Izaguirre, 15-David Suazo (13-Carlo Costly, 59), 16-Mauricio Sabillon (14-Oscar Garcia, 46), 17-Elvis Turcios
Subs not used: 1-Donis Escober, 4-Melvin Valladares, 5-Victor Bernardez, 6-Walter Martinez
Head Coach: Reinaldo Rueda

On the field vs. Honduras in World Cup qualifying
June 6, 2009 – Soldier Field, Chicago , Ill. – 2010 FIFA World Cup Qualifying, Final Round, Matchday 4
USA 2 Landon Donovan 43 (pen), Carlos Bocanegra 68
HONDURAS 1 Carlo Costly 5

USA: 1-Tim Howard; 12-Jonathan Spector, 5-Oguchi Onyewu, 3-Carlos Bocanegra (capt.) (14-Jay DeMerit, 71), 13-Jonathan Bornstein; 8-Clint Dempsey, 2 -Ricardo Clark, 4-Pablo Mastroeni (9-Benny Feilhaber, 46), 10-Landon Donovan; 11-Conor Casey (7-DaMarcus Beasley, 75), 17-Jozy Altidore
Subs not used: 18-Brad Guzan, 6-Marvell Wynne, 15-Charlie Davies, 16-Sacha Kljestan
Head Coach: Bob Bradley

HON: 18-Noel Vallardes; 14-Mauricio Sabillon, 2-Osman Chavez, 6-Mario Beata, 3-Maynor Figueroa; 13-Carlo Costly, 7-Amado Guevara (capt.), 4-Hendry Thomas, 10-Ramon Nunez (15-Walter Martinez, 79); 9-Carlos Pavon (16-Georgie Welcome, 67), 8-Wilson Palacios (17-Danilo Turcios, 66)
Subs not used: 1-Junior Morales, 5-Erick Norales, 11-Allan Lalin, 12-Emilio Izaguirre
Head Coach: Reinaldo Rueda

On the field in Honduras :
March 28, 2001 – Estadio Olimpico, San Pedro Sula , Honduras – 2001 FIFA World Cup Qualifying, Final Round, Matchday 3
Honduras 1 Julio Cesar de Leon 59
USA 2 Earnie Stewart 32, Clint Mathis 87

HON: 22-Noel Valladares; 24-Ninrod Medina , 2-Ivan Guerrero, 3-Reinaldo Clavasquin (10-Julio Cesar de Leon , 45), 4-Samuel Caballero; 20-Amado Guevara, 8-Jose Pineda (12-Maynor Suazo, 78), 16-Christian Santamaria (18-Jairo Martinez , 45); 5-Milton Reyes, 9-Carlos Pavon, 11-Milton Nunez
Subs: 1-Junior Morales, 6-Jaime Rosales, 15-Ricky Garcia, 17-Javier Martinez
Head Coach: Ramon Maradiaga

USA: 1-Brad Friedel; 2-Steve Cherundolo, 6-David Regis, 12-Jeff Agoos, 16-Carlos Llamosa; 5-Clint Mathis (3-Gregg Berhalter, 87) 14-Chris Armas, 8-Earnie Stewart, 22-Tony Sanneh; 15-Josh Wolff (20-Chris Albright, 67), 11-Ante Razov (13-Cobi Jones, 70)
Subs: 7-Eddie Lewis, 9-Preki Radosavljevic, 18-Kasey Keller, 21-Richie Williams
Head Coach: Bruce Arena